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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. X2 Pay Attention! If it's big enough to fuckin swallow up your car you should have been able to see it coming! And don't make excuses either. This is 100% avoidable and by posting this you just show everyone what a danger you are behind the wheel. :asshole: Actually, that sucks man. There are a few by my house and every now and again I'll hit one and it just pisses me off!
  2. You know the recording that you get about "This call may be monitored." ? Well I get to be the monitor sometimes and what people say before the call is picked up and if they're put on hold is crazy! So if I hear that I’ll just start saying random shit or be like “I can hear you. Yeah, the person monitoring me, your line is live”. Just incase my call is monitored, it gives the person who’s easy dropping on the conversation something to laugh about.
  3. I fought a tuffman contest winner... a few times actualy. All they do is throw hay makers and bombs. If you can move and make em' miss enough. You can out last them, then make your move.
  4. Imagine being one of the guys who found it by mistake!
  5. I was just going through some old shit in my basement and found a bunch of comics from when I was a kid. They're all in really good shape too. I'm sure they're not originals. Lots of X-Men titles a few spider man from what I can remember. Don't know if they're worth much, there's probably about 20-30 comic books though. If you want I'll snap a few quick pics when I get home so you can get an idea of what they are and what condition they're in.
  6. Bigger tanks are easier to keep clean! Good deal, free bump.
  7. Me too ... Wait, Noobs are fuckin sweet!
  8. I will be doing this one day... yeah, one day... Nice work mang :thumbup:
  9. They know whats best for them and have lost sight of why they're in the position they're in. But that's another topic.
  10. X3 So you skydive from what 6-7,000 feet? Might as well get the most bang for your buck and go up another 193,500 feet. a 5 minute freefall reaching speeds of over 700 mph! that's just crazy.
  11. Main3s

    CR 3000 days old!

    Yeah it was fun I guess. I was looking forward to kicking back a few and talking shop, but dinner with the lady was good. Yeah, Yeah... I didn't want to come out east becasue that would have ment you were right. Oh well, I tried. Maybe next time.
  12. I agree with you 100%, I shouldn't be paying for someone else and neither should you. If the Gov. wants to take up donations from people to support others then I'm cool with that. The point I was trying to make with my opting for less coverage and you not having for 2 years is that everyone has different situations. Some people, although it may not be ideal, can get by without for a while. Others who have disabilities or who have children who are disabled don’t have that option. They need regular medical attention. For that reason alone there needs to be some sort of change, either from the insurance companies or from the overall medical community. IMO that’s where the government needs to step in, not by taking over and mandating that everyone is on one big plan. But by making the changes that gives everyone an equal opportunity to succeed.
  13. Fair enough & that's from your current stand point in life (or should I say the 2 years you were without). I have health care and it's great. I don't take the vision option (to save money) and I take the lowest option for other medical, again to save money. At 25 years old and in good health I don't see a need for vision or to take the entire medical option, I visit the Dr maybe 1 or 2 times a year for illness/ injury. Now, if I was in my 50-60's where I may need reading glasses and regular check ups then I would defiantly go for the other options. I can only assume that if you had regular medical needs at that time you would have found some sort of heath care. We have to remember that not everyone is in the same situation as ourselves. So some sort of gov. healthcare is needed IMO.
  14. Main3s

    CR 3000 days old!

    Fucker. I was there with my G/F from about 8:30-9:45 and didn't see anyone Got your txt about Doc when I went out to my car. Oh well.
  15. Or the criminals who are dumb enough to keep at it will just go in armed too and be ready to shoot back or shoot first...
  16. And Sam, it didn't feel good getting knocked out...
  17. Last fight not inside a ring was Saint Patrick’s Day 3 years ago. Me and a few friends were out having a good time, buying rounds of shots (see where this is going). Well I noticed this kid who was with a friend of a friend wasn’t buying any rounds, just skipping out and saying it was others turn. So I called him on it. He got defensive and I told him just man up and buy a round. (Skipping some foggy details) he started yelling and the bouncer asked us to leave. Which I thought was crap because I was just trying to have fun . The freeloader tried to stay behind and I thought that’s BS, if I’m getting kicked out so is he. So I started pointing out that he was staying behind but the security guy didn’t care. I made some comment to the kid and then he got in my face (just what I wanted) he shoved me so I punched him in the jaw. Then This 260+ pound bouncer snatched me up so quick. So my dumb ass swung on the bouncer (this is where things got bad for me) I connected to his head/ neck area with a right then dude I punched before hit the side of my face. Long story short between the bouncer, the other 2 security guys and the kid I originally hit I ended up getting fucked up and thrown out on the street where I got to sit and talk with the friendly police officers. Thank GOD my girlfriend was there, I don’t know WTF she did or said to the cops, but they let me go with her. Next day I woke up in my bathroom, my arms were bruised from where the security guys were grabbing me, I had a busted lip, bloody hands, I was fucked up. Not my proudest moment, but hey the joy of being young and stupid. I'm normally a really laid back guy no matter the situation.
  18. Made even more bad ass by the fact that all this happened back in the the late 80's!
  19. Fuck you!!! Hahah, actually if I don't get much of a turn out at Polaris I might be hitting you up!
  20. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76166 Come on out and bring the rest of the PRK!!!
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