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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. That's someone’s son you know! You all should be ashamed for making fun of him. Just because he’s a little over weight, doesn’t have a good barber, hasn’t shopped any where other then big lots for his clothes and likes to practice his sword moves in front of a camera doesn’t mean we should all make fun of him. How dare everyone in this thread respond in such a childish manner!!! Let he who be without sweet sword move swing thy first blade, that’s what I always say!
  2. Hey when you're a dwarf midget and there are no star wars movies being made, what other career options do you have?
  3. And since this is the romper room I challange anyone to a 3 round match. I don't care about weight or height differences... Lets dooo eeet!
  4. Mayweather is a punk. He's kind of like that 1000+ HP Supra Owner who won't race unless _____ and ____ and only on Sundays, and only from a roll and on and on and on. He's got skill, smarts and talent, I’m not taking anything away from him but he’s afraid to take it to that next level.
  5. Main3s

    Thanks dad!

    It's funny becuase I don't have kids.
  6. Nice neon, looks very sharp. Anymore pics and info?
  7. Coming from the mini owner , J/K!
  8. Main3s

    Are you.....

    Won't work, shit talkers are just that, shit TALKERS. Even if there was something set up all the pussies who run their mouth wouldn't do anything about it!
  9. Main3s

    Howard Banned

    Howard for President!!!
  10. Main3s

    Are you.....

    Lets play 21 questions to figure out who the member is... Does his username have numbers in it? What kind of car does he drive?
  11. As long as you know what works for you that's all that matters. But Like I said, start small. Oh' and if you start to feel tuff and want to try your hand at a boxing work out, let me know. It will kick your ass and you won't even have to get in the ring And good luck BTW, as cheesy as it sounds exercise really does make you feel better.
  12. Main3s

    Are you.....

    What’s the point of this?
  13. I agree with the whole starting off slow thing. Diet is a big part of getting healthy. I'd say cut way back on the soda and try and get your eating habits under control first. No real surprises in the food dept, chicken, lean beef, fish, fruits, veggies etc. Most people know what’s good for them you just have to commit to eating the good stuff and not the fast food or vending machine carp. For me simple is better; the easier it is to buy, make and eat the more likely I am to eat it. I’ll grill up a few chicken breasts Sunday night and freeze them then take em to work with me. Turkey sandwiches are good PB & J. What ever you like and can make simple for you the better off you’ll be. You can spend all sorts of money on “All natural foods” and special snack packs etc, but if it doesn’t work for you then it doesn’t work. Start simple, start small and you’ll have more success. You can get into the details of a more balanced diet later, but to start a turkey or chicken sandwhich for lunch is better then Chipotle. With that in mind, wake up every morning or afternoon and do 3 sets of push up’s sit ups and leg lifts. As many as you can without killing yourself. All you’re trying to do at this point is build healthy habits again. Once you’re bustin’ out 60-80 of those a day, then look at a gym membership or pick a hobby that you enjoy doing that involves a work out, indoor soccer, hockey, running, boxing, whatever. If you enjoy it then you’ll be getting in shape without working. If you get a gym membership having a committed and good workout partner is a BIG help. But above all start small. You’re not going to returns to your 17-18 year old self in a few weeks. If you want to get there again it’s goanna take time so give yourself a chance and don’t over do it.
  14. I wouldn't go so far as to call it ugly, but it's defiantly not appealing to me. Nice power though.
  15. I'm convinced you only post on CR to pimp out your pictures.... And I sure am glad you do! You always have some of the best pics, keep em' coming. :thumbup:
  16. I always kind of liked the MR2's, looks like you're enjoying yours, nice pics! Weclome to CR.
  17. Just ignore all the BS man. You have a car that you like and work on and must know something about. So if you can hang in there a bit longer, welcome to CR!
  18. Yes and no. All I'm sayin is there are plenty of cars faster then him, yet he still goes out and makes the best of it rather then bench racing.
  19. Wow, looks great man! I look forward to seeing it in the car. I wish I had the skill / knowledge to do a build on my own. keep up the great work.
  20. The 4 runner looks like a blast! Welcome to CR.
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