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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. They make a big deal out of it because it is a big deal. You're right they had talent to begin with but without the roids they wouldn't have put up the numbers they did. You talk about the home run race. I'm not at all a baseball fan but I remember that, and the fact that it was driven by cheaters damages the creditability of it all, the league and it's history. Cheating is cheating regardless if the roids helps them hit further or just recover faster it’s cheating.
  2. I'm with you man! That does suck, just another way to pay the man.
  3. Where do you find this shit?
  4. Main3s

    F**K The Flu!!!

    I keep hoping I'll wake up the next morning and fell a little better, but I no luck. Wake up in my sweat, sit up and get dizzy with a headache, walk to the couch freezing my ass off. Take a few pills turn on TV and repeat! It's like groundhogs day with a cold So while we’re on the topic, what do you all think about the Hand sanitizer, sprays and new flu shots. Do you think that it’s helping the problem of fighting the common cold or do you think that it’s just making the cold more resistant? It’s a virus and I’m no doctor but over time can’t they change and become stronger based on what we throw at it?
  5. I'm disappointed. They couldn't win 1 playoff game!? I thought they were good enough to make it at least to the 2nd, maybe 3rd round depending on who won out. Oh Well, I guess that's way all the fans were talking durring the regular season. Getn' while the gettin' was good.
  6. Main3s

    F**K The Flu!!!

    Well I hope you're feeling better. I'm letting the car warm up then it's off to get anti-biotics Never thought I'd be happy to say that.
  7. I've been sick with this H1N1 shit now for 5 days and now I think I've got strep throat! God damn I hate being sick. I gave up the game of trying to sleep tonight. One minute I'm freezing my ass off then next I'm on fire. I've watched all the flippin TV I can stand, I’m either watching the loop of SportsCenter all day, some stupid Disney movie , some Judge (Fill In The Name) or paid programming. I hate the sight of my couch, my entire body aches. FUCK!!!! I haven't been outside for days. I'm going to urgent care first thing this morning to get some anti-biotic for the strep hopefully that will make me feel a little better. I always thought the flu shot was a joke but sense they're free at my work I've gotten them the past few years. This year I didn't, now look at me, I’m making this pointless thread at 4:45am! Fuck this shit!! Fuck it I say!!!
  8. Just thought I’d give all you Die Hard Bengals fans an official thread to vent your frustration. This time it had nothing to do with a “Dirty Hit”. 19 years huh….wow.
  9. I spent hours working on what I feel is an accurate picture of upcoming events, enjoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/prom.jpg
  10. I think Alex may have some hidden game! He’s the kind of guy who is friendly enough and non threatening towards others so that he can get close and make his smooth moves Kind of like McLovin…
  11. I use to shovel it every snow fall, but now I have symmetrical AWD and my Scooby has no problem making it up the driveway with 2-3 inches of snow. I just shovel a little walk way from my front door to the car so I don’t get a bunch of snow in it and I’m good to go!
  12. I want to see a birth certificate before I vote!
  13. What they show you on TV and what it is in real life are completely different things. Just go to Jamaica instead, they have nice coast lines and you can smoke a different kind of cigar from a guy who just rolled it.
  14. I think they summed it up. Everything about it seems bad ass! The price on the other hand... And that's not just my lack of salary talking, that's a lot of money!
  15. IMO a "girly" car falls in one or more of the following categories… Looks cute not aggressive. Example: VW Beetle vs Charger. More “fashion” then power. Example: V6 Mustang vs Cobra or V8 Mustang Fits a stereotype. Example: Mitsubishi Eclipse vs Trans Am/ Camaro No Power. Example: Porsche Boxter vs Cayman And for the record anything with an LSX swap is not a chick car
  16. Good for that guy! He's doing his thing in a completlet different part of the world. It may sound stupid or silly to us, but he's probably takin girls all out to the movies and livin the good life not smoking or drinking and fighting with his friends.
  17. Thats fucked up, who really does that! Seriously, using a baby as a shield?
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