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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Looked good. What kind of 60fts did you get?
  2. This is another prime example of how the cops abuse their power and are unable to control the situation. Ever video like this comes down to the cops not handling their job properly. When they screw up peoples lives are in danger so should they be held to a higher standard, IMO, yes. But what happens, they get a slap on the wrist and their back out there doing it again. Not only should the officer who did this be reprimanded but the officers that let it happen should receive some sort of reprimand as well. The police are supposed to serve and protect the public. Not intimidate and force the public to do what they say. In a situation like this and others where the police over react it’s prime example how they are unable to do their job properly. And don’t give me that BS about them putting their life on the line. If they chose to do that then that’s the decisions they make on their own and I can respect that, but it’s not a pass to bully everyone else around.
  3. They have a lot of bugs to work out. I wouldn't be suprised if they started charging you to play come January.
  4. Everyone!!! now :gtfo: j/k But hey look at the bright side, at least they know who you are right...? I say if people don't hate you then you're not doing something right. Keep up the good work!
  5. Hahaha. How the hell do you fuck up that bad doing a burn out!? "Did I pop a tire, is that what happened?" No dumbass you're just the awesome!!! I mean really!?.. you FLIP your truck doing a burn out? Hahahah jesus. I'm gald he fliped it. Could you imagine him driving that truck on roads with other drivers?
  6. You asked for it now Brian... Good luck and nice car.
  7. I'd take the VW over the camaro. Althought they're starting to grow on me.
  8. :nws: http://www.boxingscene.com/forums/image.php?u=92575&dateline=1253542039 http://www.buzzandnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/francoise-boufhal-pics.jpg If you looked at this picture and though "Nice, but her tittays are too big" then you're gay!
  9. Yeah, but what better time to pick uo the lube then on a beer run...... oh wait....
  10. I hate when girls ask me... "Is it in yet?" and I've already came...
  11. Truth be told I liked it... To bad the "I Love" thread is closed.
  12. Well, you know Paul, It makes me sad, you know kinda like when people always talk shit about yru're tpying lkie a reeteard. Sometimes I just want to go drive my car in the rain so I can cry and know one can see my tears....
  13. I hate it when people lock "I Love" Threads...
  14. I hate it when I finish peeing and I've done the standard 3 shakes that when I put my dick back in my pants a little bit of pee leaks out and rolls down my thigh. I hate finding out that I have 2 hours of work left to do when it’s 4:30pm on a Friday. I hate working weekends then hearing about what a great time everyone else had while I was stuck at work. FUCK YOU ALL! I hate it when my G/F farts while I’m going down on her… I hate losing a 20 Roll to a NEON! I hate losing a 40 Roll to a NEON! I hate NEONS!!!!
  15. Why do you feel that way? Lets talk about it...
  16. I hate threads that are obvious knock offs of "I Love Threads" I hate it when my girlfirend gets all flirty with me when we go out but as soon as we get home she's "Tired"
  17. Put a V10 in it or you fail! J/K... Nice car.
  18. I love everyone in this thread except white! And I'd love to take you all out to McDonalds then get you drunk off of appletinys, shots of pineapple upside-down cake and lemon drops. After that we would leave the bar in my "Sssupeerr!_GTP" while you all sucked my meat at 120mph on the way to Brian’s house where I would wake him up by rubbing one out in his ass. Then we would all gather in a big circle and jerk off into a jar of pickles. Then we would all go home and post on CR how... Much we love everyone in this thread except white! And that we went to McDonalds then got drunk off of appletinys, shots of pineapple upside-down cake and lemon drops. After that we left the bar in a "Sssupeerr!_GTP" while we all sucked Chris' meat at 120mph on the way to Brian’s house where Chris woke him up by rubbing one out in his ass. Then we all gathered in a big circle and jerked off into a jar of pickles. Thread / :marc2:
  19. I'm with V8KILR on this one... The police and law makers should be out doing their jobs instead of violating our rights to make it easier on them. I’m not saying that drunk drivers are okay, but as easy as it is for us sober drivers to avoid check points, don’t you think that they are just as easy for a drunk driver to avoid? So what good does it do? And if you don’t think that it’s wrong to stop and search law biding citizens then you need to wake up…
  20. How does one go about having a felony conviction removed from their record in Ohio? The event took place about 4 years ago and was an assault charge. Charges were filed by the state NOT the person involved in the assault. Apart from minor traffic violations there is no other criminal background. Jail time was served and all fines and fees paid. Is there a way to have a felony removed from someone’s record? I did some looking online but the info I found was very general. I'm sure contacting and working through a lawyer will be necessary, but what I want to know is... Is it a long shot to have a felony removed? I'm sure it's not easy but does anyone know how it works in Ohio?
  21. Don't be on any of the top 10 lists. I was on the local leader board and 3 of my streets got hazards put on them on the same day. Fuckers It's all good though I was able to get rid of them AND put up a school on one. I'll show them!!!
  22. Main3s


    I guess like any workout it's up to you to do the work. But I've heard great things about it. I'm even tempted to do this in addition to boxing.
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