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Posts posted by gen3flygirl

  1. On my way back there was only a tow truck and a Officer. She appeared fine and was up and walking around. It was a newer car and the impact was mainly on the front left tire well at about 40-50mph. This was on 71S right before 275.

    If you saw it happen technically you were suppose to stick around and give a statement. I got fucking ordered to court to testify against the dumb bitch that caused the the bus accident I was in a few weeks ago. I can't believe she is fighting it.

  2. As a former ferret owner I would never own a god damn poodle and I'm also a dog lover. Unless you go to. Breeder 99% of the time the ferret is going to be marshal farms and have a 2 dot tattoo on the inside of its ear. The only ones I have found that don't have it are angora ferrets ( long haired) and tend to smell worse since they arnt de glanded prior to sale.

  3. Fuck it ill join in. The years of being a bus driver have not been kind to me and my love of beer doesn't help either. I don't really have weight goal so much as a wanting to fit into my old clothes and be single digit pant/dress size again.

    Me 5 years ago



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