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Posts posted by gen3flygirl

  1. My night got fucked up real quick. For work we do shuttle services for the schottenstein center and tonight was the pink concert. Our first loop out as the concert ends some fucking woman cut off and side swiped our first bus in a group of 3 causing a big fucking accedent. I was bus number 2, I got stopped in time and bus 3 nailed me really hard and then I hit bus one. I'm going to the hospital later to get checked out. There were people that needed help more than me.




  2. 279k For 15,000 sq ft plus the land doesn't sound to bad. Pump all the water, figure out where it's leaking from, fix it, renovate. If it has electric already going to the property it shouldn't be to hard to run equipment. If you get contractors have them sign non disclosure agreements and don't have any one company do all the work the way no one really knows what is going on for sure.

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