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Posts posted by gen3flygirl

  1. False. Breckenridge Vanilla Porter. Ridiculous flavor combo. Sickening.

    Best part about summer shandy, it's refreshing, you can drink 17 without falling down...and somewhat rehydrates in hot sun. Don't get me wrong, I love a great IPA or something with more flavor - but I'm generally a fan of most beers, and believe they all have a place/time most appropriate.

    I would agree that it's a bit too early to come back (cruel punishment)...but who's looking a gift horse in the mouth.

    I fucking love vanilla porter. I make floats out of it so my inner child can be a ragging alcoholic

  2. Put down dried red pepper dogs don't like it much it will help keep the dog away then take the big bag of shit over to his door step and light it on fire.

    Option 5 shoot the dog with a paint ball gun a few times it will not return, and do no real harm to the dog.

    :mad: it's not the dogs fault the owner is a dumb ass

  3. Haha it be a hell of alot better than last year we slept outside.

    You're lucky you didn't get arrested. They have had problems with people doing that in the past. There are plenty of hotels downtown or houses to rent.

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