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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. Alright I know he is speaking English but can I can't some damn subtitles!?!?!?
  2. You don't understand how shitty parking is where I live
  3. When I did the interview it was advocating concealed carry on campus. Creative editing on their part that's for sure. That news anchor has a hand shake that could rip a dick off.
  4. Now that there's a mighty fine dead hooker hauler you gots yourself
  5. :spank:We're only gentle if you know the safe word
  6. Wow. I am actually proud of some of the members on here for once. I am all for gay marriage. I have several friends who are gay (sorry guys not the hot lesbian ones) and by the time they have met someone they're ready to settle down with they are more in touch with who they are as a person.they won't go searching for "themself" in some coke whore who could fill a 55 gallon barrel with seman once they hit their midlife crises. I think it is shitty that if they aren't married and one member gets critically ill it is the family who most likely rejects them for their lifestyle who gets to make the decisions. I also think it is shitty that the church is so against gay marriage yet they sit back and do nothing while priest sodamize little boys. Your logic can go fuck itself with a redwood tree.
  7. I think we should get every OR member to pitch in a few cents buy one and a kiddie pool. Next years entertainment at the IMS after party
  8. I think I am still stuck on the fact that you are taking in and valuing the opinions of a bunch of degenerate chronic masterbaters
  9. Just finished Hilarity Ensues, fucking great. He was able to buy tweets from famous celebrities to promote the book. http://www.tuckermax.com/stories/tucker-max-punks-celebs-gets-banned/
  10. I always play "spot the sniper" during OSU games. They usually have a hand full scattered around campus.
  11. Another +1 for the orange and red. The last too look like something my old coworker would draw, he was a furry and drew furry porn.
  12. Who wants to get $5,000 for turning midget Todd in since he is clearly the only one small enough to fit in that hole and we know how much he loves guns
  13. I am doing my CCW course the last two weekends of the month and plan on using a Walther pps .40. I will give you my feed back once I have had a chance to play with it. My dad bought it for the express purpose of me getting my CCW so I had to wait until I was signed up for the course before he would give it to me.
  14. There is a place just out side of Columbus that does freeze dried foods and grains in those huge plastic paint buckets. My dad bought a years supply from them. Once he gets back to me I will post the link.
  15. My friend downloaded the audio book to "I hope they serve beer in hell" for a road trip. Best idea ever, a 7 hour car ride has never gone so fast.
  16. Voted but zombie love is beating you right now
  17. If you haven't read any of his books you need to. He just released "hilarity ensues" and "sloppy seconds" today. As a thank you you can download "sloppy seconds" for free today only. I have made it through the first chapter and my sides already hurt from so much. Www.tuckermax.com
  18. Probably my guns and some old family photos.
  19. I don't know " sweet love" might have my vote
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