Matt (Mbeal84) and I had a great long ride today. wish it wasn't so last minute or i would have tried to get a hold of a few of you. We started in the valley near the Falls and ended up going through the Cleveland metro parks, and up through North Royalton. Then followed State Rd. into Parma, all the way down to 480. Crazy still to me to even think of being out and just kind of riding, not knowing where you are headed. I still am finding it hard to believe we ended up way out there. Took us 45 mins to get back form the e-way. But all in all we ended up seeing lots of things we never knew where out there. I hope next time we are up there we can meet up with a few of you North North-easterners! I'm thinking after a three hour ride i want a cruiser! NAWWW!!! those twisties we hit wouldn't have been as fun