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Everything posted by hollywood3586

  1. Awww thanks guys. I'd like to thank all the 's and 's for keeping me coming back everyday. Without you all, I wouldn't be me.
  2. Mehh, I guess i have a few OK traits. Thanks my dear, but I hardly feel young.. The 16th of next month I have to go register my daughter for kindergarten.
  3. Ahhhh let's not talk about age!! My Birthday is tomorrow and I'm going to be in my late 20's! ahhhhhhhhhhh!
  4. :lol: Awwwwww are someone's e-feelings hurt. Hey, if you knew me or saw me you'd see that I don't give a flying fuck about what people think of me. I am acting this way because of people like you. You sit on your high horse and think its ok to judge people for what they ride, or what they dont ride. Your group sounds like a bunch of sissy's anyway. Tell me this, how do you think anything under 500cc can't keep up? Hey HOOPS, don't get your panties is a bunch, I'm just joking around. Maybe if you pull that stick out of your ass you could see some humor in all this.
  5. WHAT!? you dont ride in tank tops? psshhhh chick you need to live a little.
  6. nahhhhh, we ride in parades around town to get attention. We like to think all women are equal even though we like to prove our stereotype by cruising very, very slowly around town, so everyone can see us and know what type of bike we ride and that we are cute. If you are OK with flaunting yourself then by all means JOIN!! WHOOP WHOOOOOOP thats two members. YEAH BUDDDDDY! any other takers?
  7. Fuck yes.. If thats too much for you then I'm sure we can start another club for you. Ride on.
  8. ^ you should probably read the whole thread. Judging by your profile pic (and I do mean I judge you) you are not welcome. BUT luckily for you I'm going to be starting my own M/C and EVERYONE is welcome. Except those with "cruiser" style bikes and over 500cc engines. But if you fit into that catagory, we think you ride too slow for our group. We ride at Mach 10 speeds and drag our knees when we go to the store. I hope you can understand that I love everyone. I'm not judging you though.
  9. Why the stereotyping? I'm a woman rider and I LOVE to ride. I don't see why you would discriminate against a rider just by what they ride. But whateve..
  10. This ^ That is absolutley terrible. I will pray for the family.
  11. Omg you guys really gave me some Lulz..
  12. albeit, it was fun for about 60 seconds.. Now i feel like Ive lost they last 20 minutes of my life because I think he is going to do something else.
  13. all i gotta say is... Mine's bigger.
  14. lies.. you were looking up cat pr0n...
  15. Id like to know what you were doing when you stumbled across this?
  16. I need lulz fucker, not research jobs. Ps, how come you went with the LCP? We need to meet up, id like to shoot yours. Have you shot an LC9? I'm curious in the differences between the two.
  17. IM SO EFFING BORED! I have like an hour till my next class. Studying done. Just entertain me with some OR shenanigans. And................,...............GO!
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