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Everything posted by Sapphy

  1. At work as always. The network at the Statehouse is up and working well.
  2. I had to share that on facebook. Good Find!
  3. WTF would you call them shaved furies? I never got to do that when I played trombone in HS.
  4. I am not hitting it that hard. I may be a scary amazon woman, but I can be easy when I need to be,
  5. That is a nice thing about a Wrangler with a soft top, all the other windows I just had to push on from the inside and the ice broke and fell off.
  6. Your state government is in today. We never close because of weather. I thought about calling in and taking the day anyway, but I was fearful a state trooper would of shown up to take me in anyway. on a sad note, I broke a wiper on the windshield when trying to chip the ice off.
  7. Or Riding and Skiing And you spend hours thinking about combining the 2
  8. wow that takes me back. in 94 I was already online (prodigy) and BBS before that. That was before IT took over the world and made you all our slaves. Muhahahahahahaha
  9. They have won. Terrorist have done what they set out to do. They have changed our way of life. They have convinced people it is ok to give our rights in the name of safety. Terrorist are winning we are willingly giving the government more control of our lives and bodies. Soon everone will have to fly naked tied to our seats, and we will accept this because we need to be safe. Terrorist are defined as "organizations or persons that use fear to change the behavior of others". We changed our lives. Molestation should never be a requirement to fly for anyone. Especially true for children. Digital nudity is not better either. The entire process needs to be taken back to reasonable. In IT security we balance "secure, cost, and usability". This has to be balance. This balance needs to be applied to airport security as well. All they are doing now is ineffective theatrics to make people think they are doing stuff.
  10. If it is true, it will still be years out. First the government has to approve it, and we all know oil companies will not let that happen. Second they will need to build places to make the stuff and I am would bet the EPA would have a lot to say on that as well.
  11. Fail!!! I was going to install it, till I seen it was 3 bucks. I don't need on here that bad. The Browser on my phone does fine
  12. I'll take bad ideas for 200 Alex
  13. ORDN is a safe harbor, it can not be held responsible for the riff raff that hangs out here. Pick the one with the bike you like the most and go after them. I am sure if you look they have had more than one undesirable post.
  14. That is only part way true. Sure it is the same in name but for a mfg to supply Apple they must use Apple's QC process, which is arguable the best in the industry. Even in the Winblows world brand matters, example, Every EVGA video card I have seen is junk, but BFG and XFX are both kick ass mfgs. Sure they are all selling the same nVidia GPU, but BFG and XFX use a higher quality supporting components and has a better QC process. This same requirement to a high QA process is why Apple has the rep of rock solid hardware. I would go on to add, every system I have hand built is just as rock solid as any Apple.
  15. Yea, so? I have to be a smart ass, that is part of my charm.
  16. Because my middle name is Sapphire. I use to go by Lady Sapphire online for years, but then my online friends got tired of yelling Sapphire!!!! and shortened it to Sapphy.
  17. I been watching this project grow for a little over a year. Each time they add to it, it gets better. I am still waiting on the head crabs to show up in it.
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