The issue is too many people (seems to be a US issue only) thinks the world owes them everything, and then when they have kids they think the world owes the kid everything too. We have become so damn politically correct that we are told it is wrong to tell others they are wrong. Then they started in with the "It takes a village to raise a child" bullshit. Really that does 2 shitty things, first it enables the dumb asses that are lazy to continue to be lazy, and second it provides justification for every self important pompous ass to think they can stick their nose in and tell everyone else what to do. The system is broke. It was broke when I was a kid and parents could get away with all kinds of abuse, but now it is broke by swinging to the other extream. You want an example, look at all the kids ending it because they where picked on. I feel sorry for the parents, but really the parents had a roll in it as well. They did not do their job in preparing their child for the real world. The real world suck ass, it IS NOT a Disney sit-com. Bullies happen, they rarely get what is coming to them, and we all have to deal with it and do what we can to soldier on. The sooner kids learn that, they better life they will have. Ok I am going to get off my soapbox now because I can go on for hours on this subject