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Posts posted by redrocket04

  1. mr.rocket, your totally uncalled for. you show up here, get all butt hurt over someone teasing you alittle bit and make asshole comments all over the forum. Why don't you take your wrenchs and go back to the garage and lean how to use them. Thank you and have a nice day.

    Mr. dimebag,

    Can you point me in the general direction of even a single post where I got all butthurt? I think the problem may be that you don't grasp sarcasm. That's ok, it just means I need to wear the kid gloves on your posts, and I'm willing to do that so you have a happy. Thank you.

    Edit- typically, the use of the hundreds of smilies here help to differentiate between those people who truly have butthurt, and those who are just sarcastic. Maybe you should learn that while I work on my mastery of playing with my tool.:D (note smilie)

  2. Oh, jeez.

    Obvious girl name, doesn't know what :leghump: means, but can post an avatar pic of herself? Always wanted a bike, but daddy won't let me have one, teehee, good thing I'm in college now, and can do what I want, teehee, gigglefuckinggiggle. :rolleyes:

  3. And I know where one is!

    Then again, someone on craigslist has a 07 Ninja 250 listed for $2800 or something like that! :eek: I think they'll be sitting on that one for a while, even though it only had 1800 miles.

    I saw that one. lol.

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