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Everything posted by redrocket04

  1. Pussy believes in natural energy - because it's better for you. http://www.pussydrinks.com/ You can order it online, but they won't ship it to US.
  2. Me either, unless this mono and strep shit isn't gone. I'mma have to get one of those maps for my sig line for all the travelins I do. Where they at?
  3. For the sanity of all the youngsters on here.
  4. This. Although back then, you could be called queer for damn near anything. lol
  5. Here's her mugshot and police report. http://blogs.dallasobserver.com/unfairpark/2010/06/for_those_who_think_that_dfw_c.php
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWk4MCQaHrc&feature=player_embedded After the crash, Yasmine Villasana reportedly told police that her car had been rear ended. Which raises the question: By what? A derailed freight train? The 22-year-old Texan’s spectacular flying crash through and over a toll stop at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport has gone viral online In the nine seconds of footage, we see Villasana’s four-door sedan approaching a toll booth. Well, blurring toward a toll booth. The car hits a concrete divider and is launched into the air. Photos provided to the Dallas Observer show the car, post-crash, engulfed in flames. Unbelievably, Villasana suffered only a broken wrist. She apparently got out of the car after it landed, made a call on her cellphone and then tried to get back in. Police stopped her. According to the police report, Villasana told officers she’d had only one vodka and cranberry. They arrested her for drunk driving.
  7. I only re-escalate for threats of curb stomping puppies.
  8. I checked out the AFJ website. I was curious about these track schools on the street offerings. It's all black, and scary. Depressing, like being naked and alone with water dripping in a dark basement with only one filthy window that's too high to see out. Then I came back to OR, where it's all bright and sunny dispositions.
  9. I still hate all you fuckers. Oh, and the bike still looks beat. Let's be friends.
  10. Here's what I did: Research salaries BEFORE getting my degree.
  11. I'd hate to see what this world will be like in another 100 years... I had three sack taps in my lifetime, and I remember them vividly. One was entirely an accident, one was a handlebar mash, and the other, well, I probably deserved that. It hurt, but it felt good to say what needed to be said.
  12. Agree. When I went to Rick Roush last week, I sat on a zx6r and others, but the ZX6r seemed most comfortable.
  13. Maybe taking it over to Moose after 1:00 today, not sure yet. Right now, still have fever of 103, and haven't felt much like getting out of my dungeon.
  14. Says the guy who isn't gonna say for sure whether or not he's going until the night before... Waiting on a weather report?
  15. I think she meant 10ish people that are coming.
  16. IF I have my new bike by then, I'll come. Otherwise, ye olde Vstar is too slow, probably. Then you'll be "my prez".
  17. I've been to Virginia Beach a couple of times. I remember the No cussing signs up all over the place. Apparently, cussing is an arrestable offense there. That's about all I remember.
  18. Get your shit straight. I revved my bike past 6k, thank you very much.
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