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Everything posted by redrocket04

  1. I just watched that 3:45 one again. It looks like that black truck was with the first car, and would have blown the light, too, had the cop not went after the first one.
  2. I liked the one where the guy blows by the cop car. lol.
  3. http://www.spieglerusa.com/ That's where I got the lines for my bike. Once I get it back I'll know for sure if they're awesome, but I've heard very good things about them. They'll ship, but they're in Dayton, so it's an easy drive to pick them up. just call and order, first.
  4. Shit, please. I'll hit you so hard, your 250 will feel it, and grow a zx14 motor, and it'll beat yo ass, too. You'll hit the ground so fast from my fists of fury, that time will go backwards, Chipotle will open, and you'll find yourself in line buying me a burrito, and not even know why. Don't fuck with me. Scareds??
  5. redrocket04

    Pet Peeves

    Oh, Holly, I don't ever insult people. You're welcome, though.
  6. None of you bitches have threatened me with a pair of irish sunglasses. Make your own sandwiches.
  7. It's better, but it's still not as good as a mom and pop pizza shop. The sauce actually has flavor, now, but it's more of a sweet sauce, which isn't my thing. Still, it's worth $3.99.
  8. redrocket04

    Pet Peeves

    I can no longer refer to you as "the uber hottie", so then what should I call you?
  9. He's welcome to deliver a sandwich. Beyond that, I'm apparently too dirty looking, poor, etc with a shitty bike, and so I fail. Plus, he called me a bitch. I may as well go to the kitchen and make my own damn sandwich.
  10. redrocket04

    Pet Peeves

    I wear sandals. Am I ghey? Or is it just cuz I go to places with nice weather and beaches during the summer?
  11. Who's he talking to? I don't ride a Honda. I'm pretty damned broke, though. Does this mean I'm not invited to the e-thug party at your house?
  12. I feel scared. Ooops nevermind, that was just the e-thuggin. It's not real life.
  13. I did a commute of 78 miles each way before I got divorced and moved to Columbus. Filling the gas tank every day sucked. If there was an accident that held up traffic, it sucked exponentially. If you alter your departure time by even 5 minutes, it can greatly affect your arrival time. However, if things were smooth, I left work at the right time to avoid HUGE rush hour delays, and it was just smooth sailing, it's great to get that 90 minutes of solitude. I'd have no problems with having a long commute again.
  14. Todd#43 has them. If you buy two, he'll throw in a tinfoil hat.
  15. Clearly, you didn't go back and read the post discussing "correct time and place for speeding", but that's okay. You probably HAVE owned more motorcycles than my ass has sat on. I've got a pretty good handle on the right/wrong, legal/illegal thing. This is getting dumb. Can't we just be friends?
  16. redrocket04

    Pet Peeves

    This.. A thousand times, this. People that merge onto 315 or any highway on ramp at a speed of 12 mph. This seems to only be common in Columbus, oddly.
  17. You work for the IIHS, don't you? Speed kills, motorcycles should be outlawed, and bubble suits for everyone... There again, many of your posts are incoherent, nonsensical babble, so... Grain of salt, that's all I'm saying.
  18. Right, but 170 at 4pm on some road out in the boonies maybe not so much. Again, not CONDONING it, just saying some times and places are better than others.
  19. Ok, but at 170 mph, you're outrunning your headlights. I'm not talking about 270 at 4:00pm here.
  20. Maybe try going back to read the post I was replying to, where the "correct time and place" were mentioned that I was replying to. I don't think anyone here would disagree that if you're going to speed, that daylight hours on roads you're familiar with would be more "correct" than 2am on a road you've got no clue about, and a track would be even MORE correct. Now who's the dumbass?
  21. Where's the sarcasm smily. Hotness.... I don't see no bike here, just the hottie. Either my sarcasm meter sucks, or you're just not on it today. Edit: jblosser has seen, so my sarcasm meter is working correctly.
  22. I disagree with your assessment, with all due respect. Yes, anyone here would be lying if they said they've never sped on their bike, and probably 90% would be lying if they said they'd never broken into triple digits. The difference here is that most of us to our speeding at the correct time/place, whereas this guy is claiming to have done it at 2am, on a road he is not familiar with. This makes him a dumbass, not the actual act of speeding.
  23. Your people must be a lot different than the Sawmill Rd HHG, then. I went in lookng for a stove a few weeks ago, and the guy kept trying to show me electric stoves when I clearly said I needed a 30" gas one. Then, when he finally figured out that gas means its not gonna be a glass top, he tried showing me a Jenn-Air gas one that was way bigger than what I needed. When I pointed that out, he was "pretty sure" they could get one just like it in the size I need. Anyway, I do need a job, but I don't want a commission based job.
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