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Posts posted by redrocket04

  1. This is not exactly how it works but like you said, it is easy to armchair quarterback. He did what he should have up to the point of shooting the weapon. Not sure what he said either but I am sure it was something to the effect of "put your hands up!"

    I am in NO way condoning this at all. The officers actions were very premature given the situation. When I first looked at the video I saw where it may have looked like he had a gun in his hand when the cop first pulled up but after that, not a chance. The cop acted too quick and I think he is screwed on this one. I highly doubt that he will get the max but, I am sure he will get hit.

    Where do you get that the officer "did what he should have up to the point of shooting"? The entire "pursuit" lasted a block. If it had been a beige Camry taking off from the stop sign like that with Betty White driving, I'll bet the gun wouldn't have left the holster.

    It was a brumbrum-er, and therefore clearly of the criminal element. :rolleyes:

    Armchair quarterbacking or not, that's what we see, and while we weren't there, the shooting happened within 3 seconds of the stop, so it's not like the clip started 30 seconds into it.

  2. I went and checked out the a 3 tonight at Byers, and a Corolla and Versa, as well.

    Byers flat out ignored us the whole time we were there. I don't wanna be hustled before I get out of my car, but damn, if I'm looking at a car, then go in the showroom, break up the tea party the salesguys are having, and do your job. This didn't happen, so I've still not driven the 3.

    The Corolla was right to be an afterthought. It's sad.

    The Versa, unexpectedly was actually pretty nice. This was for the 1.6 base version. no power windows or locks, no radio, just a/c and the requirements that make it a car, but still, it was pretty nice, and for $11k brand new, I was impressed.

    Tomorrow will be the others...

  3. Yeah, I'm looking at new.

    I agree about the doofy look of the new Mazda3, but I also don't want a car that makes me want to run it into a sturdy wall when I drive it. That's where the zoom-zoom thing comes in. Maybe it's just a marketing thing.

    Civic, funny you mention that it's a teenage girl car. My little sister got a new one for her 16th bday. lol. Loaded with everything, including a giant fucking butterfly sticker on the sunroof so that "she'd always have butterflies around." I drove that thing to a car wash once, and was embarrassed beyond measure. I'd forgotten that until now.

    Corolla is kind of an afterthought more than anything. They're everywhere, but they've never really appealed to me at all. I'm only considering it because my current car is made by Toyota, and it's been good, so I figure it warrants a shot.

    There are others I like, as well. Four doors isn't a requirement at all.

    For some reason that I just cannot figure out, I like a Mini Cooper and the Smart cars. Maybe its because I could put a busa engine in it. :)


    But yeah, I do like a smart car...

    I also kinda wouldn't mind a Nissan Versa, but I consider it more of a throwaway car than the others... Just not a bad deal for a car if talking the base model.

    Maybe I'm getting a little too "entry level", but I think I'd be perfectly content driving any one of these cars, now that I'm not putting 30-40,000 miles a year on. Since January, I've only driven a little under 1,000...

  4. I'm thinking of buying a new car, now that I don't spend a shit ton of time commuting, and this is standing out as a great option for me. Does anyone have any experience with these cars? I'm not looking at anything more than just a basic version.

    Honda Civic and maybe a Toyota Corolla as options, as well.

  5. We are.

    90 day suspended jail sentence. (ie no actual time in jail)

    5 years of probation starting yesterday.

    2 years of license suspension backdated to August 09 (accident date?). She gets her license back August 2011

    $750 fine. When you add costs and probation fees she wound up paying just shy of $1700

    She can drive to/from work. She is banned from cellphone use or posession wihle driving.

    Cellphone use needs to be treated like drunk driving.

    It needs to be treated like drunk driving, and statistics show that it's just as bad as, if not worse than driving drunk. Blaming her sentence on the fact that it was a motorcyclist rather than a person in a car is stupid. She'd have gotten the same sentence if she'd hit a motorcycle or a semi truck. I've said it before. It's a sad thing, but when you ride, you know it's inherently more risky. The sentence fits the crime. If any of you guys ever accidentally kill someone because you made a mistake, I'll bet you'd feel exactly this way.

  6. Sorry it happened to ya, man. No amount of sarcasm you'll get from the sausage brigade here will make you feel better until you send pics of your "welcome home" fuckings to her new guy.

    That, and time will really make you see that she's just not worth it. Obnoxious flirting is one thing. Cheating is entirely another story.

  7. Our rides will always be the 3rd Saturday of the month.

    Well, that answers that one. I'll be about 12,000 miles away for this one. It sucks, because it looks to be the most fun ride so far, but a trip halfway around the world with girlfriend will defeat even the most fun bike ride.

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