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Posts posted by redrocket04

  1. Shit, please. I'll hit you so hard, your 250 will feel it, and grow a zx14 motor, and it'll beat yo ass, too. You'll hit the ground so fast from my fists of fury, that time will go backwards, Chipotle will open, and you'll find yourself in line buying me a burrito, and not even know why. Don't fuck with me.

    :D Scareds??

  2. no one claimed it was better than mom & pop. But mom & pop also charge $12 bucks for a large.

    If youve got lots of kids (which i dont) or youre just looking for cheap...it works. 5 of these to feed a bunch of folks for less than 20 bucks...as compared to 60 bucks.

    I actually like pizza huts pan pizzas when they are fresh.


  3. people who don't yield,don't use blinkers and drive slower in the fast lane....

    people who let their kids run a muck in the grocery store, causing me to have to watch for the little bastards when I'm crossing aisles...

    well, just people in general i guess...

    oh and people who use the word uber...

    I can no longer refer to you as "the uber hottie", so then what should I call you?

  4. i do believe he just challenged you at all aspects of life.

    we have reached the 3rd stage of epic thread OP thuggery.

    Here are the stages of epic thread OP thuggery, fyi:

    step 1. ass hattery

    step 2. angry outbursts, with swearing, threatening to "beat yo ass", etc

    step 3. "I challenge you at all aspects of life"

    step 4. OP delivers

    step 5. profit

    waiting for step 4.

    please continue.

    He's welcome to deliver a sandwich. Beyond that, I'm apparently too dirty looking, poor, etc with a shitty bike, and so I fail. Plus, he called me a bitch. I may as well go to the kitchen and make my own damn sandwich.

  5. Bitch I got money. Plenty of cash. RT23 is a 4 lane highway but you can only drive in 1 of 2 lanes in either direction. I'm not really sweating you dumb fucks, just got a broke faggot riding a shit honda tryin to tell me whats up, old pile of shit that that looks like he rides at a track and lives shitty area above columbus and below norwalk LOL. I'm questioning if your ass can read or not, but I really dont care I ride for fun and for purpose and this is just a simple thread I posted because the speeding ticket is a joke to me. When I log off.... YOUR ASS WILL STILL BE SHITTY AND STILL BE BROKE HAHAHAHAHAHA! PSS anybody ask me why I dident run, it's so flat etc etc.... it's 2am, I dont know exactly where I'm at, it's about 40 degrees outside, and I ran into 35mph populated area, with city cops, state highway patrol, and sherriffs cars all heading towards me. Seein as how people just get randomly shot while riding there bikes I'd say I made out like a bandit. The only thing I knew was there was a highway what I thought was 23 or it may be 33 just north of buycrus. I never once said I was a badass or whatever ppl trying to make it out to be, im just sharing a motorcycle related event. RedRocket I already dont like you and I've never met your dumbass. I'd be tempted just to hit you in the mouth when I see your skinny ass at bike night again. Dirty lookin. :puke:

    Who's he talking to? I don't ride a Honda. I'm pretty damned broke, though. :rolleyes:

    Does this mean I'm not invited to the e-thug party at your house?

  6. I did a commute of 78 miles each way before I got divorced and moved to Columbus.

    Filling the gas tank every day sucked.

    If there was an accident that held up traffic, it sucked exponentially.

    If you alter your departure time by even 5 minutes, it can greatly affect your arrival time.

    However, if things were smooth, I left work at the right time to avoid HUGE rush hour delays, and it was just smooth sailing, it's great to get that 90 minutes of solitude. I'd have no problems with having a long commute again.

  7. Nope, I don't work for IIHS. I don't believe motorcycles should be outlawed - I've probably owned, ridden and raced more bikes than you've sat your ass on. Certainly speed will kill you more quickly than going slow - unless you get run over by a bus.

    When discussing nonsensical babble, I'm confident that your "correct time and place for speeding" will be part of the discussion. Its really not my problem if you can't understand a simple concept of right and wrong, legal and illegal, correct and incorrect.

    Just don't tell anyone. You'll be ok.

    :rulez: Clearly, you didn't go back and read the post discussing "correct time and place for speeding", but that's okay. You probably HAVE owned more motorcycles than my ass has sat on.

    I've got a pretty good handle on the right/wrong, legal/illegal thing.

    This is getting dumb. Can't we just be friends?

  8. One that I deal with on a weekly basis...

    People too fat, lazy, selfish, _____(fill in the blank with whatever the excuse is) to walk their DAMN shopping carts back to the cart returns and leave them strewn about in the parking lot.

    I guess for me, that's the the tip of the iceberg that starts to snowball inside my brain about "what's wrong with Americans" -- the cart return is a symptom of a much larger systemic problem. :mad:

    This.. A thousand times, this.

    People that merge onto 315 or any highway on ramp at a speed of 12 mph. This seems to only be common in Columbus, oddly.

  9. First, there aren't varying degrees of "correctness". Its either correct, or incorrect. Exceeding the speed limit is incorrect, not to mention illegal regardless of the time of day.

    On a track you aren't exceeding the speed limit because there isn't one.

    Dumb ass.

    You work for the IIHS, don't you? Speed kills, motorcycles should be outlawed, and bubble suits for everyone... There again, many of your posts are incoherent, nonsensical babble, so... Grain of salt, that's all I'm saying. :rolleyes:

  10. There's a "correct time and place" for speeding? Where, exactly, is it and what time is best?

    Your statements make you look like a dumb ass - although not quite as much of a dumb ass as the OP.

    Maybe try going back to read the post I was replying to, where the "correct time and place" were mentioned that I was replying to.

    I don't think anyone here would disagree that if you're going to speed, that daylight hours on roads you're familiar with would be more "correct" than 2am on a road you've got no clue about, and a track would be even MORE correct. Now who's the dumbass?

  11. its in between her heal and the rest of the sole i think........ you can see the brake lever under there somewhere.

    Where's the sarcasm smily.

    Hotness.... I don't see no bike here, just the hottie. Either my sarcasm meter sucks, or you're just not on it today. :rolleyes:

    Edit: jblosser has seen, so my sarcasm meter is working correctly.

  12. Hypocrites mostly; mainly on the speed. Like nobody has been in triples before. Especially how fast sportbikes get up there. I've seen sooo many people on this forum hit triples before. Mob mentality up in this thread. I'm not endorsing the running, to each his own when he's the only one on the road at 2am. To bash him for going a triple digit speed is bullshit, especially when most have a bike that'll do it easily. If you don't ever plan to speed now and then (correct time/place) why did you buy a sportbike? Comfort? I think not. This thread saddens me........mob mentality for sure.:nono::(

    I disagree with your assessment, with all due respect. Yes, anyone here would be lying if they said they've never sped on their bike, and probably 90% would be lying if they said they'd never broken into triple digits. The difference here is that most of us to our speeding at the correct time/place, whereas this guy is claiming to have done it at 2am, on a road he is not familiar with. This makes him a dumbass, not the actual act of speeding.

  13. Your people must be a lot different than the Sawmill Rd HHG, then. I went in lookng for a stove a few weeks ago, and the guy kept trying to show me electric stoves when I clearly said I needed a 30" gas one. Then, when he finally figured out that gas means its not gonna be a glass top, he tried showing me a Jenn-Air gas one that was way bigger than what I needed. When I pointed that out, he was "pretty sure" they could get one just like it in the size I need.

    Anyway, I do need a job, but I don't want a commission based job.

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