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Everything posted by redrocket04

  1. Yeah, I know. Sometimes it's fun to drudge up the past, though.
  2. Well, per kbb, even with the insanely high miles, it's still worth $10,500. Subtract out the $1400 for your truck, and that leave $9,100. Figure a new transmission would be like $3000... It's still working, but not sure how long, so I'd split that with ya, so another $1500... So, $7,600? $7,000 just to make it even, and because I think the transmission is gonna go sooner, rather than later.
  3. No case on my Droid Eris. I've had it about 4 months, and it's still in great shape. I'm not gentle with my phones.
  4. Maybe the mattress guy told him he's not allowed there, anymore?
  5. Well, on paper, it looks like a dumb trade, but in reality... '03 Lexus ES300. Here's why I'm thinking... I've not driven it in a couple of weeks. I still have full coverage insurance on it, it takes premium gas, it's got some, um, problems that have developed recently, namely, the transmission is REALLY slippy when it shifts, the rest of the time, it hunts around, and will randomly shift at inopportune times. When that happens, I'm done. I'm not putting the money into it. Beyond the transmission, it's a nice damn car. Leather has no cuts or tears, HID lights, it's loaded. Clean, clean, clean. No rust, like 2 small dings, clean interior, even still smells good after almost 8 years of life. Serviced at Lexus dealer since it was new. Engine is freaking perfect. No leaks, no issues whatsoever. I just don't need it anymore, and a truck is more useful to me. It's not a must have, just thought I'd run it by you. Obviously, not talking about an even trade, here, though.
  6. Wanna trade for my car? I need a truck, actually...
  7. So, no more group hugs at Wednesday night pre meetup at CC?
  8. No, I get what you're saying. Believe me. I totally understand. It's weird that PETA did that. It's creepy that PETA did that. It would piss me off if ANYONE approached them that wasn't known to me and to them. I don't have kids, but I have nieces that are 5 and 6. I love those girls like they're my own. It still doesn't make it illegal, though.
  9. I'm not the Franklin County Prosecutor, so take this with a grain of salt. I know a little bit about law, though. If your daughter had been "assaulted" by the evil girl elephant, you couldn't press the charges, unless given a referral from the police officer, who wasn't pressing charges. You're not going to get a referral if it was investigated, and determined that no crime had been committed. It doesn't work that way. You don't like it, but PETA has every right to assemble on a sidewalk. They didn't go into the school, and walk into classrooms. They stayed outside, on public property (the sidewalk). To answer your other question, yes, a homeless man in a ski mask could stand on the same sidewalk, and if he was attractive to a kid, he could give them a hug. Hugging is not a crime, unless the kid says "don't hug me". Only then does it go from weird, but legal, to illegal.
  10. We don't have kids of our own, Cheech. Our opinions on this are invalid. You just better pray you don't accidentally bump into a kid while walking through Target. Apparently, that's grounds for a beatdown. Plus, it makes you a pedophile. Even if the cops say you did nothing wrong. Weird, huh?
  11. Did you leave with one of the fatties?
  12. Nah, I'm the awkward dude standing by myself next to the CBR in the parking lot of, um, sport bikes. Next week, though, I'll be the awkward guy standing by myself next to the cruiser in the parking lot of sport bikes, though.
  13. I like the barbed wire pinstripe. Makes it look dangerous.
  14. Looks like I'm gonna be sitting this one out, now. Girlfriend wants to get dinner and some "quality time", which, obviously means, y'all have fun playing with your bikes.
  15. GLWS. I'd jump on it, had I not JUST put new tires on the cbr.
  16. I'm guessing that if you go, and I go there will be probably at LEAST 3-4 other bikes there. Just go. It's a good time. I'll probably be there, myself.
  17. $20 cheaper than you have them on CL for. Also, what's a Kawasaki SV650?
  18. That's because yours is that imitation stuff. Not the real thing.
  19. I watched that movie in the theater last year. My girlfriend STILL won't eat meat.
  20. I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but prison is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew. Things went on like that for awhile - prison life consists of routine, and then more routine. Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises. The Sisters kept at him - sometimes he was able to fight 'em off, sometimes not. And that's how it went for Andy - that was his routine. I do believe those first two years were the worst for him, and I also believe that if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him.
  21. Funny thing. When I read this thing originally, before I posted it here, I was reading it in Morgan Freeman's voice. For some reason, it made it funnier.
  22. Uh-huh. But then I also posted that this wasn't a personal story. I had a clogged sink drain, and being a new homeowner, realized that I'd been used to calling my landlord to fix things like this. I'm my own homeowner, now, so I had to figure it out on my own. With the help of google. That's where I found that. BTW Drano gel FTW. vinegar and baking soda didn't do a thing.
  23. Well.. It's kinda creepy. Wonder if they're burying him with it.
  24. That would be pretty fun to watch. lol
  25. the elephant -- Holly Petersen, a 21-year-old PETA intern from New Zealand -- travel to cities ahead of the Ringling Bros. circus, which is to be at Nationwide Arena on May 13-16. Not been confirmed, but I'm thinking Holly Petersen has no nuts to be kicked in. I think PETA is on the same playing field as Westboro Baptist Church, but somehow, I don't think a 21 year old girl and another woman is anything to get too worked up over.
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