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Everything posted by redrocket04

  1. I checked an iPad out. Wasn't too impressed. Happily posting from my couch on my macbook.
  2. I wouldn't really call a 600rr to a 600rr an upgrade... That's just me, though. You ride a gixxer, though. You'd consider a new sticker an upgrade.
  3. I saw your youtube video of your F4i flipping over to 100,000 miles. Hard to believe the bike in your pic on the first post has almost 200,000 miles on it...
  4. I did love the '04. Figured I'd love an '08 just as much, probably more. In hindsight, I should have waited until AFTER I bought the '08 to sell the '04, bu it seemed pretty clear that I'd get it.
  5. $3,000 even, including delivery from Mount Vernon. Google makes switching the bars look easy, so I'm going to try to do it tomorrow morning. If anyone has experience and wants to help, then great. If not, hopefully I wn't run into any issues with it.
  6. Noooo, I sold my 600 for an '08 600RR, which the guy sold out from under me. The V Star, I'd already bought just as a second bike. Still on the hunt for another sport bike.
  7. Really? I figured I'd just hang the apes in my garage, and tuck the cables to reuse them...
  8. I was thinking of taking the bags off altogether, just because they don't look or feel very high quality.
  9. Don't be sorry. Check out the background of the bottom pic. See that normal set of handlebars? They'll be on just as soon as I figure out what to do.
  10. Finally got the new bike home today. 2007 Yamaha V Star classic. 2,000 miles, and a pretty nice pearl white paint job. I'll get better pics tomorrow. Today, it was raining, so it stayed in the garage after being delivered.
  11. Niiiiiiice. How does the Corsa sound on it?
  12. While I was on my cruiser hunt this week, I checked one out. It's an 03 with 7000 miles. He wants $3400. If your friend is interested, I can get his info.
  13. Something about power slides in a FWD car named after a bunny just doesn't sound right.
  14. I'l be there. CBR-less, but there just the same.
  15. I'd love an Outback. Well, I'd love an STi more, but would get more function from an outback.
  16. Hmm, that same exact bike was listed in Columbus AND Dayton a few days ago. Who knows where else.
  17. Hi... $995. As is. This is reasonable to ask. Coincidentally, I'm offering, too.
  18. Seems I read somewhere one time that it's not WHAT you ride, just THAT you ride. I had a moped before, too. I screwed around with it, and got it to the point that it would go 30 miles an hour. Blistering speeds, to be sure. It was a Honda, too. lol. 1981 PA50ii.
  19. Yeah, I'm not stuck on Honda. My new cruiser is a Yamaha, I've owned Suzukis before, so I'm open. I think I'll take this week and formulate a plan and just go from there. I know some places in Michigan used to advertise crazy prices on bikes, so I'll maybe look into that. I've got a trip to Michigan planned for the beginning of June for my cousins high school graduation. I'm sure I'll find something, I just wish this would have gone the way I'd wanted. Like has been said, it's not like I don't have the money from selling my cbr, so it's nothing major.
  20. Exactly my thoughts... So, how badly do you want to upgrade your bike, Krystyn?
  21. Oh, das nice.. I wonder what they add for freight and setup. That can get a little ridiculous sometimes, can't it? I know it's not the worst problem in the world, and that even if it takes me a couple of days or weeks to find something, it's not like all is lost. Especially since I now know that you'll wait for me during rides.
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