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Posts posted by Rjettman

  1. I had one for a while since I am on the road half the time. Your success with it will depend on the two networks. If its just your parents home and yours and you both have solid, fast networks, then it will probably work great. If you are on a hotel network, it will just depend.

    Also, realize that if you are watching the slingbox and change the channel, it will change the channel on your parents TV too, because you are actually taking control of their cable box remotely. So I hope you and Dad like the same shows. :D

  2. I solved my helmet issue by getting a free one from Bell. Thanks for your efforts though.

    I really need new toe sliders for my Sidi ST boots. Got any of those, plain, ceramic or metal, I don't care, but my next ride will grind through to the boots.

  3. I need a new helmet. Mine is too old to pass tech so I started shopping. So far, the Arai Signet Q fits the best, but I don't like the styling much. Do you know which Shoei fits similarly to the Signet?

  4. Timothy McVeigh killed way more people without a gun. Maybe this Colorado shooter would have strapped the bombs he left in his apartment to himself and then walked into that theatre and killed way more people himself. Banning guns is like banning drugs, alcohol, hookers, and giant sodas. Fail.

  5. This dude it's just another dumbass that things he it's smarter than the engineers that designed the engine.

    And there you have it. You have the Asian kid telling you "this motor was built like this to do this and should be broken in like this" and then you have some random dude telling you "all engines need to be rode hard jus do 'er ike is 'ere. Aww hell hold my beer I'll do 'er for ya".

    I'll go with the Asian kid. Or in my case the German kid.

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