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Everything posted by CbusBusa

  1. yeah look at the beating I took on mine. I gave it away at 8500. They're out there.
  2. i can hear the switch engaging. it doesn't do anything. oh well it's sitting out back if anyone wants it. i bought a new one with a 5 year warranty. one less thing to worry about.
  3. nope, 4 is cutting it close
  4. Someone finally decided to take me up on the ass raping. Sold it. Lock it up.
  5. i can hear the switch throwing power, but nothing happens. the drum doesn't even turn.
  6. i can hear the switch throwing power, but nothing happens. the drum doesn't even turn.
  7. i can hear the switch throwing power, but nothing happens. the drum doesn't even turn.
  8. CbusBusa

    WTB Dryer

    My dryer just took a crap. Need one ASAP. Anybody tryin to get rid of one?
  9. Figured I'd throw up a couple new pics. Just put on the wheels, front spoiler, and exhaust. http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f194/transamdrag98/P1020796.jpg http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f194/transamdrag98/P1020797.jpg http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f194/transamdrag98/P1020798.jpg http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f194/transamdrag98/P1020799.jpg
  10. HA You would assume wrong. Someone is "suppose" to come look at it tomorrow night.
  11. change that. i'm gonna go with 15x10 with 3.5 or 4 inch backspacing.
  12. guess i'll have to look harder
  13. Need a set of 15x10 weld draglites with 3 1/2 or 4 backspacing. i bought a set at the springfield swapmeet and they are either 5 or 5 1/2 backspacing and they rub the shock.
  14. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa not gonna happen.
  15. wife wanted a small SUV. then she went shopping at the world market. so i'm just gonna find her something for around 1500. anything?
  16. this price is only good until tomorrow. i need the cash to put with what i have now for saturday morning. that is the only reason i'm letting it go so cheap. if i don't have enough cash to buy what i want saturday then there's no reason for me to give this one away.
  17. no longer accepting trades unless it's a fox body.
  18. the car doesn't leave my house until it's paid off of course. i'm not a bank.
  19. this ridiculously low price is still good until tomorrow. if i don't have the cash to blow on something else on saturday then i'll probably end up keeping it. it's getting a little stupid for me to beg someone to rob me on this thing. i may take half down and work out the rest.
  20. this dude on ls1tech wants me to meet him halfway to virginia so he can look at it. WTF is wrong with people? :doh:
  21. apparently that's what i'll have to do. i was hoping to get the cash before the wknd to put with the 6K from my bike. thought maybe someone wanted a sweet deal too!
  22. i can not believe this thing is still at my house for this price??!!
  23. well there ya go. this one has better brakes than yours. LMAO!
  24. yeah brian quit fuckin around and buy it. lol
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