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Everything posted by IVRINGS

  1. How about we never say the word cavy again? We are not even talking about the car, and I also don't drive one anymore. Thanks for you help on the Seafoam talk, but this is still kinda a sore subject on the wheels.
  2. I plan on changing out the plugs after I do this, but just wanted a yes or no on turning the car off in the middle to let it sit. Once I get home I will read up on that link that you put up. I have a great line to put it in on the 1.8t.
  3. ^Thanks for that! I might just have to stock up for a while then.
  4. Since I've not been on this site for a while I just wanted to say you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Look up 3-piece SSR GT3's. You then can tell the guy with the white Vett he has crapy wheels on here. :gtfo:
  5. Anyone want to let me borrow there cable for a day to play around with my Audi and all the Vag settings I would like to do. Windows, chimes, one click unlock, and one or two more but can't think of it.
  6. Yep! I've seen to many of the guys do this in the shop I would worked at before. I do have a question on what you might say about while running it into the manifold. I know when adding this to let it pull it very slow no to flood the engine, but I've been told while doing this turn the car off to let it sit for a while so it can brake up more things. After 5-10 mins start the car and finish off what you have and let run till the smoke clears. So does that sound about right on doing this. I'm just not sure about turning off the car and letting sit in the middle of this. Thanks.
  7. I'm glad to hear about the prices of oil droped, but I'm kinda pissed I just did both mine and the girl's car last week with Mobil 1 0W-40 Syn. It seems like I might go pick up some more for next change. Does anyone know how long they will keep this going?
  8. I walked away and didn't finish my post before this, but what you said is true. I only did mine while it was on stands warming up the oil before the change.
  9. I'm just wondering how much did you put in the crankcase? It only calls for about a 2/3 of a cup or less. Without the bottle in front of me I can't be sure. I've always had good luck with it.
  10. I have a nice set from Best Buy from the girl last year to work with my sync. They wraped around the back of your head over the ear. Everything sounded great, but I think they where about 80 bucks at the time. I picked up a 2 gig card while I was there to make it right around 100 bucks.
  11. I never got to either, but I'm sure they made some good money cause Wal-Mart bought the land from them right?
  12. I like my job right now, but like someone said above it is a steping stone for me. I hope to brake into the rep side of things to have the chance to get out from behind my desk. Getting out of the same place every day would be nice.
  13. x2 I was kinda was let down by the movie too. The only girl I thought was hot wasn't in the movie for very long. (The girl that was to bring him back). I also thought they could of had some better stuts or maybe more gadgets in the car or on him. I miss that guy that would always explain the new stuff on the cars or watches. I enjoyed Role Models we saw right after more.
  14. '95 Z24 2.3 Quad motor with snow tires on all 4. The day after last years blizzard I was out driving to work.
  15. I would like to have some more info on the house. Since the girls dad is a Gen Contractor to finish up the house. Plus it would be down the street from my store. That price seems great, but please pm or contact me with more info.
  16. x2 I got hooked on it when HIN gave them out by the cases at the end of the night. I got 2 cases for free. So that took me a while since I don't drink them but once or twice a month, but for a while I would have one a day. I've not tried the one in a blue plastic, but I guess it is the same. Great stuff.
  17. Well I will be picking up those later today! Guy came down to $225. So now I just need to find some nice 18's for the summer to replace the HP's that I hate so much.
  18. I kinda get the same way, but something I found that helps is also protecting your bed. It can be like a breading ground for some nasty stuff. We sell Protect.A.Bed protectors here at Mattress Firm to help keep stuff from getting to you. They are waterproof and very quite. It doesn't change the feel of your bed at all, but they are a little pricy for people. Queens are 119, but for CR people I wouldn't make them pay over 79 for them. I'm not trying to sell them here, but it really helped me because I sleep face down in bed. You can take my word on it, but if not ask your Doc about it too.
  19. That sucks... BTW everything you buy you SHOULD pay taxes on, but most of us don't. There is a box while doing your taxes that ask if you bought anything over the internet. I never fill that out. I still don't get the no taxing on food to go here in Ohio. Everything I order is togo.
  20. Ooo... Thanks. Just goes to show you I dont' know 3800's.
  21. Aww... So you are the brother to Chris! I get it now... Welcome to the site. Like Dark said Chris does know his way around the 3800 for sure. I got to see the car only as it was being parted out. The M120 blower on it was a nice little blower...
  22. I will talk to the girl about the Eliptical. She said something about getting one instead of going to the gym. Do you have a truck or something to maybe bring it over. If not I can rent a truck for a day or something, but I will let you know soon.
  23. That sucks! I guess I will keep my eyes open for the wheels for me and her still. Thanks for asking for me. If you know any other place to look I might call all4n if all else fails. Anyone have ways for deals at the yards around c-bus?
  24. It is going to be more cavy stuff. What else would you guys talk about? I have goals that I want to do before I finish with the cars. Thanks though.
  25. I have a check in my back pocket for a new setup. Also I got a great set of wheels for what most people would by stock take offs. Thanks...
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