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Everything posted by IVRINGS

  1. Tyler - I think I remember the cruiser too cause the boss pointed it out cause it wasn't like the rest. Ryan - Yeah that helmet really caught my eye from inside, my sister was a major dead head growing up so I notice that symbol.
  2. Nevermind then... Only helmet I can remember in that area. Since I was talking to the boss I didn't get a good chance to come out and check things out.
  3. No problem. Are you the one that had the Greatfull Dead sticker on your helmet?
  4. Mattress Mart was who we made close their doors here. We are Mattress Firm No problems.
  5. This might be a dumb question, but does it have a hook-up for a different gauge setup?
  6. Well I guess people just love their mattress. Yeah I could understand that he didn't want to move it, but I had my boss in here and she was to go give him 2 seconds to move it. So I thought I would be a little nicer then that, but why you would park in front of a door is beyond me. Thanks for moving over for us. So long as people can get into our store I don't care, but I wasn't about to let that fat fuck tell him he was going to move and not move it.
  7. That is great. What side of town is the house in? We got a great deal on our place in Lewis Center just a few months back.
  8. I had a guy today that I bet was thinking that. As he was parking in front of our door I asked him if he could move the the either side. He said, "Yeah," but just in a few secs after I walked back inside he walked away. So as my boss was here talking to some people(Customers) she asked me to have him move it again. Guy was a real prick and say Yeah I will move it and turned away. Some of the others got him to move his bike cause he wasn't about to when I asked him. So if you guys do get a chance to head over try to keep people from parking right in front of the store. It is not like Circuit City's parking lot was full or being used. Thanks!
  9. Is that correct on the honda?
  10. I don't know about my honda stuff, but some cars if the system is not holding pressure the compressor will not turn on. So I hope it all works out.
  11. I think I do remember this, but don't think I had the idea of winning a race with a bike.
  12. 2nd try! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2069/4515690664_bec573d4c9_o.jpg
  13. I think I win so far! I'm at Polaris at our store. iPhone 3G with non jailbroken again. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2194/4515674210_98605c378b_o.jpg
  14. ^Thanks! I never looked into it, but that is going to be nice!
  15. Now if they would let the phones use Wifi for calls I would be happier then pig in shit.
  16. I would like to see this thing too, but getting a new bed at the same time.
  17. I don't remember this, and what car was I driving? Also who are you? So many people have changed names on here I can't keep up.
  18. I just posted this, and looks like everyone is heading over to QSL. Guys must of just wanted to roll in together. You are welcome anytime here. I can make sure anyone else working here never calls anything in.
  19. Is this the new place to meet for bikers? I was just checking out some of the bikes as they where parking tonight. My store (Mattress Firm) is the only place open in the parking lot so I don't mind people using it at all, but if some people are being dumb I think you know what I have to do. I don't think there is going to be any problems cause we close at 8:00. Just don't trash the place please. Thanks for anyone that might be over here, and I hope you guys bring in some people that need to sleep better.
  21. I think one of the guys on our Audi website is going to dental school there. I can try to put you in contact if you like. E-mail me if you want me to try, but I don't see him online much any more. IVRINGS@yahoo.com
  22. BTW once you soft mod the Wii and are able to upload the borrowed or rented games to the external Hard drive that you add it is so worth it. I never have to buy a game again!
  23. With the 5 cars we have I don't think we need another one. If she was to get an Audi it would be a Q5 or Q7 to get some kiddo's in. Plus she runs more boost then me now. What fun is it that you have to chase your wife down...
  24. I was just about to come talk to you about this. I just saw it on craigslist.
  25. What size rotor are those Audi pads for if you remember.
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