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Everything posted by IVRINGS

  1. Also this too... http://www.audizine.com/forum/showthread.php?264130-***-2.7T-RS4-Turbo-Specials-K04-025-amp-026-in-stock-amp-shipping-***
  2. Check out RAI... http://www.raimotorsport.com/RSK04-RP-Turbo-Set-p/r5304988002526.htm CTS looks like 100 cheaper and have 034 Motorsport Replica Inlet pipes for sale. http://www.audizine.com/forum/showthread.php?347097-***RP-K04-0025-amp-0026-RS4-K04-Audi-2.7T-Sale-CTS-Turbo***
  3. If you do a COD will be your best bet on getting the parts. They really have lost all hope in all the J-body world I feel. Karo at Carcustoms.net is the best at what he does for the J-body cars, and if he can't help I'm sure he will be able to point you to the right people. I've been with the J's since 01, and J-body.org will be the best site to find any information for them. I only have 3 J's still.
  4. The wifey's GLI needs to be done soon too! I so want to do it for her, but at the same time with the cold I don't want to. Gearhead offered up a great deal for me for the car that I might be call up here in a few weeks. I got mine done with a few months ago.
  5. Hmm a 2 month old? I'm so lost. I saw your message about one, but I forgot to respond. Please text or call me about this. I don't know why I don't know about this till now.
  6. Do not buy from that company. Tell him to go to Carcustoms.net. A guy by the name of Karo ownes the site. He will be able to get him anything he wants. I hope that helps. If you need any more help e-mail me at IVRINGS@yahoo.com
  7. From what I heard from her she can't use the discount there, but we are on her dad's Sam's club.
  8. Ended up that it was a floor model that wasn't in the best shape. So she passed. I'm going to try to head out to check out the Plasma and others. A co worker told me to cut out the sizes of the screens with cardboard and try them out on the wall. So I might run upto our warehouse to get some to try out.
  9. Wife is out looking at TV's now, but she is opening up to full HD and found a 40" Samsung she is liking. Might have her on the 37" or 40", but I did say I think the 37" would fit better. If we get the 40" I will put it more in the corner instead of dead on cause I think it might be to big. I wonder if I will come home to a new TV
  10. WoW I would rather pay someone half that to build me a custom bike from spare parts.
  11. Anyone that wants to get into your house will just drug the dog with a treat and be back in a few mins. What dog do you know what will not take a treat? Glad you are getting an alarm on your place. Best thing you can do.
  12. That would be great, but again doesn't really help me since that would leave me with a 42 in my bedroom. I would get sick just watching it.
  13. BTW the bed is on the longer wall so only a few feet from the end of the bed.
  14. Well there are not to many smaller plasma's out there. Just an idea of the room size it is only like 11'x13-14' So if I go 37" it will seem bigger then your 42" in a 20x20 room. So maybe now you can see I really can't go to a 42 being so close to the TV. So finding things 32-37" is the only thing we can do.
  15. Well don't forget that a 10' fence also lets anyone that is going to brake in hide better once they are in your yard. I saw something on bigger fences can hurt you in eyes of people looking for places to brake into cause you are trying to hide something. Spend the money in an alarm not a fence. The idea to block some road noise is a good idea, but again like I said before I think it might hurt you for people looking for something for nothing.
  16. Might be able to run into the stores tomorrow, but does anyone know someone I can work with that might save me some extra cash instead of using her Discount at Walmart?
  17. I didn't think they would post those things. It gives any smart Drunk Driver a way around them like everyone else to make back roads even worse idea to take.
  18. I say up north by the Zoo would be the best. You can start at the Boggie Inn towards the zoo and then take a left go out to Home RD or 42 then head back down Dublin road. I had so much fun out there when I lived on Dublin Rd next to one of the Jegs brothers. I know a lot of Bike guys drive those roads. I say I win, but not close to downtown at all. Plus it would suck if someone pulled out of their drive in front of you.
  19. I know we will not go to 42" in that bedroom. It will just be to big cause our house was built in the 60's so small room. If we where to go 42" she would let me put our 42" LCD 720P in our living room into the bed room. Trust me I have tried. We both like the 32" 720p LCD that we can get for 385.20 with our dicount, but the 32 1080P that I like better is like 150ish more. So if I can get her to 1080p the 37" is like $30-40 more so for a little bigger without over doing it . We are going to wall mount with maybe an arm too so keeping it lighter is a huge plus I say.
  20. Here are the best that I can find without being in the store, but what do you think? I can't see spending the 100 for the 10,000:1 better maybe lose one HMDI but still have 3 HHGregg $694.99 70,000:1 http://www.hhgregg.com/ProductDetail.asp?SID=n&ProductID=23080&BrandStore=All#page Best Buy $699.99 70,000:1 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Samsung+-+37%22+Class+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+LCD+HDTV/9299859.p?id=1218079755461&skuId=9299859&st=samsung TV&cp=2&lp=5 Walmart $679.00(with discount $606.60) 60,000:1 http://www.walmart.com/Samsung-37-HDTV-1080p-N37B530/ip/11080821#ProductDetail
  21. I will have to see it in person but a few things bother me about it: Panny Plasma vs Samsung LCD It is 75lbs vs the 35.3 lbs. (Wall mounting) 30,000:1 vs 70,000:1 720 vs 1080p Also since this is going to be in a bedroom that is kinda small would the Plasma have any major sounds I will hear being in a small room? Also at some point soon a Blueray player will be in the bedroom so that is why I'm looking at 1080p. Let me know what you think.
  22. We got 12 bucks of Wal-mart towels that we didn't ask for from her Dad's friend that has tons of money. (He has oil money and other money from his father helping with the 270 build back in the day I heard. It was his house we lived in next to Jegs house on Dublin Rd for 2 years.) BTW it was 20 a plate at the wedding so we paid him to come to the wedding. Also got $100 from her parents to help pay for the wedding he said he would get us $4,000.00. :asshole:
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