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Everything posted by badazzbuckeye

  1. That is cool, I have an older one that my mother gave to me. I had never even heard of them until I found out that she had it about 2 years ago.
  2. Welcome from another Goldwing rider.
  3. Welcome from Groveport. Just rode through Canal today.
  4. Correction made in the original to inform people that he did not survive.
  5. Excuse me, I was just sharing. I have known of people surving some screwed up stuff, that they should not have survived. And then others that should have survived from some little dumb shit that should have been about nothing. as far as it being old, oh well it is new to me.
  6. A friend of mine sent this. And I thought that you guys would like to see it. The cops were traveling down the highwayat Around1 o'clock in themorning near Tulsa , Oklahoma. They found this On the road Another patrol car stopped a truck some miles Downthe highway and were struck With the followingimage. The Truck Driver said he thought he felt the Impact,but it took him almost 4 miles Downthe roadbefore he thought he'd better pull Over and check out his rig. Notice the driver has no shoes on from the impact or from being drug all that Distance. Side view of Motorcycle Driver caught up in the Trailerof the Semi. Witnesses and State Police say the Motorcyclist wastraveling at 120 mph when he raninto the back of the moving semi-truck. THIS GUY DID NOT SURVIVE!
  7. If you still need a mechanic, check out 390 bike in Delaware. I want to learn on mine, but I need an alternator for a Goldwing and I am not going to try to pull the motor to put one in.
  8. How stupid can you be? That is just flat out crazy.
  9. Thanks, i'll do that. I found a guy on CL, I think that I will check him out. He is close and cheap ($25 an hr). I know that my nephew definitely needs a starter, the bendix keeps kicking out on his trying to start the bike. It runs, it's just hard as hell to start.
  10. I have a nephew that needs some help working on his 79 cb750. I know that it needs the carbs rebuilt, but it has other issues as well. He is willing to pay for some help. He just can't afford to pay shop fees.
  11. If I come up with the money Saturday, I will take it.
  12. I don't know if it will be the same, but I know someone that has a 1979 cb750 that you can look at.
  13. I found my fmj .380's at a shooting range. I had to pick up my hollow points in Alabama, when I was down there.
  14. I agree, I think that looks pretty sweet.
  15. Thanks for all the help, I found it.
  16. I was just curious if anyone has the # to Doc's in Lancaster or Sharp's in Chilicothe. I had both of their numbers, but like a dumbass, I erased them out of my phone.
  17. Does that mean we get a discount once you graduate?
  18. Welcome from the SE side of C-bus (aka Groveport).
  19. Or if you want to know info about a movie, check out rottentomatoes.com. it gives you info on a movie to let you know if you might be interested or not.
  20. Sorry, edited it so that it was not so long.
  21. What in the world? Did you post your whole video collection? Shawshank Redemption and Slingblade are definitely good movies to watch. +Anything that has John Wayne in it.
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