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Everything posted by tachman

  1. Hey, you never know, some people have never heard "YUT UGGHH" in their whole life.
  2. have you ever seen the YUT UGH video?
  3. He sure spanked me, lol he went WOT, and I went maybe 1/8th throttle, just to pull away from the light. Dude had a chip on his shoulder apparently. 10:1 says he posts a "kill story" on another forum about how he killed an R6, and then he will become the 250R god.
  4. Sorry, I'm not really a shy person, I'm not gonna pussyfoot around and make sheepish posts.
  5. I was heading the other way, I wanted to ride alone tonight, had to clear my head. And besides, you wouldnt have known if I was there or NOT! lol Twisties?! In avon?!?!
  6. Two bucks is awesome! they have a cute soviet bartender. the sliders are good. lets meet up for beers!!...well in our cages of course.
  7. LOL. simmah down mikey. Lets go riding sometime, or at least meet up for coffee/foodz. we can meet up in Avon, and be smug bastards, like me!!!!!!!
  8. LOL, that would be me, the attention whore. or....the whore in training. welcome mikey. you also forgot to designate teh "S" in your bike make/model. NEWB.
  9. She must have been heavy...... :grin:
  10. Hello, and I hate you. why? Because I WANT A FREAKIN DRZ400SM. I bet that things a BLAST to ride!! welcome mate!
  11. So I just got back from a ride, was out putzing around on the R6. I roll up to a stoplight on detroit rd here in Avon, to see another bike. I think, "cool, another bike on the road" and it happens to be a newer model Ninja 250R with a pipe on it. Since I didn't know the guy, I didnt pull RIGHT up next to him, just staggered diagonally behind him at the light. I see this dude look in his mirror, turn around and look at my bike, me, then the bike again. Just as I was about to say "hey man, nice bike!" the light turns green, dude decides to pipe me, and draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagg the clutch(honestly, I kinda felt sorry for his clutch at this point) and proceeds to rip through the gears at well....a...uhh....250s pace.. I just cruised away from the light, I'm not one for street racing or anything like it. I still wonder what his issue was. Well, this tasty Sam Adams I have in my hand is for you pal!
  12. :lol: or I could start a thread entitled "today...." LOL
  13. sure you did. I stand 6 feet away and arc it in the toilet bowl.
  14. That bike looks pretty clean man, just start scouring Ebay for a tail section in that color, should be easy to find. btw, Ive always thought that color looks pretty slick
  15. I would take tier 2 desktop support currently. Might just take a look into those staffing companies. I work for Keybank in their service desk, only been her 9 months and I'm kinda bored with it.....
  16. Sam, you are going to be my frenemy on here, aren't you I can tell already.
  17. yup, pretty sure you are trying too hard
  18. Wilkommen! think I said that right...lol
  19. Ahem. I'm a guy, hence the name, tachMAN. Never said I was a girl. don't get too butthurt, but then there is always this
  20. That's what I've always done, i've been unemployed before, it sucks. Not sure if I have much trust for staffing firms, althought it seems they always hire people, high turnover rate, im a bit apprehensive about that.
  21. Just like the title says, I feel a bit stagnant at my current IT job. I've got 3 years experience, am 22, and will have an associates degree in Network Communication technology in the fall. Looking for entry level networking stuff, or even a run-around fix-it computer guy. Anyone know of anyplace looking for anyone?
  22. sigh..... wasn't throwing a taboo out there per se....
  23. He who rides an italian megacunt, is a megacunt himself. LOL, better?
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