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Everything posted by ZIXXER9R

  1. i could do it for you I installed and serviced pools for lighthouse for 2 years is it inground ? above? what size?
  2. I just bought a shark helmet last month and the wife an hjc will have to check them this is interesting
  3. I beleive its squish squish squish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Matt your bike is one mean looking yet sexy piece of art can't wait to see it in person on friday.... kawi powa!!!!!
  5. I would get some ink done but have no clue as to what I would get

    May 28th Ride

    <still in wife on the other hand prolly not don;t have a sitter as of now

    May 28th Ride

    hell to the yeah got the ol' lady a helmet today so hopefully she will leave the boy with a babysitter for awhile and actually go riding with me plus she just needs to get out more
  8. "] http://i951.photobucket.com/albums/ad358/tbzx9er/IMG_0486.jpg"] bike, baby and I, and the wife
  9. Good to see the 90's bike being rocked....
  10. it was already screwed for handling kid that had it before me streched it 5 inches and yeah saw the race this morning sucks to lead half the race just to lose
  11. not short legs I am 6'3" believe it or not with this old of a bike lowering actually helped the handling. 500lbs being closer to the ground is not a bad thing.
  12. I see what is the new bike? I almost got a 748 but it wasn't as powerfull as the zx9 was onlt 500 bucks more for the duc but I wanted more power. I know I should have gone with the duc but oh well parts are cheaper for the kawi
  13. Lets see you bikes I'll start 94 ZX9R oldschool hottness
  14. 1994 ZX9R lowered Jet Kit K&N filter Vance & Hines full exhaust Flush mount blinkers Homemade paint job When I got her 5 weeks ago
  15. The day I got her http://i951.photobucket.com/albums/ad358/tbzx9er/IMG00699-20100330-1728.jpg"]And now lowered , painted and back together
  16. Gotta keep it interesting.... hope to see you out this way next weekend tim
  17. wow considering the busa is .13 tenths faster in the 1/4 stock for stock MR. SAMBUSA I would have to say your bike is not that much faster then my dinosaur. stock busa according to cycleworld 9.86@145.8 stock ZX9R 9.99@136.8mph was in the June 98 Sportrider magazine. I know that top end would be now competition for you. I also am assuming your bike is not stock. That said I would have to say your bike is faster, I would say mine handles better, yours probably looks nicer, all in all top end taken out of the equation the are pretty close so put your gun away and I will put away my knife and we can enjoy the weather and ride...
  18. wasn't talking shit it is a well known fact that the busa is more of straight line bike then a corner carver wow didn't know you were soo sensetive
  19. ZIXXER9R

    May 28th Ride

    hell if it ends up 83 degrees I wont care if it rains for a bit thats what they have over-passes for
  20. I am sure your fuel injected 1300cc bike is faster than my 900cc carbed bike this isn't a penis measuring forum its a motorcycle enthusiast forum "good day"
  21. ZIXXER9R

    May 28th Ride

    tony hope to see you there
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