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Everything posted by bacchus

  1. The scoobie? really? The cayman? yesssss
  2. bacchus

    My next bike

  3. Is the new Hornady rounds mentioned in another post required? http://www.hornady.com/in-the-news/latest-news/zombie-max-ammunition
  4. veeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy nicceeeee
  5. Just saw the story while I was looking up info on the I270/161 tanker crash. RIP
  6. Anybody on here going? There's about 9 of us Ducati folks headed down today and tomorrow. Shold be a good time...gonna take lots of pics and hopefully George pulls some rare stuff out of storage for the event. Ducati is the featured marque this year (but I saw something was going on for Moto Guzzi, too) and Vicki has named the event Ducstock. She has a full agenda for the weekend. Oh yeah, there's gonna racing, too. And a track day on Monday!
  7. Nice looking bike - I've got one, too (SP), but I've always been torn between the clean fairings of mine and the half of the CR allowing easy viewing and access to that beautiful twin.
  8. At Nationwide, I had a parking pass, but they asked me to ride around the gates. It had to do with the metal detector and the bike not being large enough to trip it. When I park at the hospital, I go around every gate, normally park right under a No Parking sign and have never been hassled. Maybe because it's one a dem fancy I-talian Ducati's, they figger I'm a doc.
  9. bacchus


    I've never seen it so clean!
  10. Pauly is good people:bow:
  11. Didn't they have a lot of fueling issues? Did they ever resolve them?
  12. So sorry Apple fanboys/girls.
  13. My co-worker is listening...I am so glad they announced iMessage so you can text and only be charged for the data. Of course, only to iOS devices. Great. Lets continue to limit the number of roads an Apple can run on. Me? 5 pc's/laptops running Win7 64Bit, 1 X200 Tablet running Win8 Dev Preview, Hacked NookColor running CM7.0.3 Android 2.3.3 and HCT Evo4G. Screw Apple.
  14. I normally wouldn't post anything like this to a forum. Nobody else involved is in OR so please bear with me and let me get this out. Last night, a good friend's son took his own life. Earlier this year, a desmohio member did the same and mostly the reaction was anger from everybody. But that was a peer...a person of my own generation. This was one of my generation's offspring. My friend's son. I cannot imagine what she is going through, and my grief for her and my own children, who played with her son growing up is so great, I can't begin to grieve for him. As a parent, I could not imagine losing one of my children and to have be becuase they took their own life? Most people who are left behind talk about how suicide is such a selfish act, but most people who are pushed that far feel it would be a relief to those left behind. Like pulling a band-aid off - it will hurt for a second, but be over before you know it, and the people left behind won't have this THING annoying them, dragging them down, not living up to their expectations, etc.. anymore. I wasn't able to be there for her today. I had my daughter and my ex went instead. Even after our divorce, we both have been able to maintain a close relationship with our mutual friend...I feel I let her down.
  15. bacchus

    WTF is this?

    Smoke Bomb? http://www.ironpony.com/ironponydirect/product.asp/ImageName/SHINKO-SMOKEBOMB-RED.jpg/Brand/SHINKO/Class2/Tires%20and%20Wheels/Class3/Street%20Tires/Class1/
  16. OhioHealth seems to always have slots for protective services. Especially veterans.
  17. bacchus


    This just showed in the random pictures, and while I'm usually indifferent to Hondas, the CBX is an exception and this would just be plain bad ass.
  18. bacchus


    For all you Can-Am lovers http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270824441828&viewitem=#ht_962wt_1165
  19. http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/mon-september-26-2011-ron-paul
  20. I agree, as well. Go with newER. Less maintenance costs + better technology = more time to just ride and enjoy.
  21. Friend has a 1st gen FZ1 (that I had to twist his arm to even look at) and he (and everybody else) agree it is probably one of the best all-arounders ever. Lots of power, great handling and all day comfortable. Of course, we're all fat old men now:cheers::cheers::cheers:
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