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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. "On Saturday, Ruma, 32, of De Soto, was one of about 2,500 bikers who converged on St. Louis area highways for the "Ride of the Century," an annual event that has escaped major attention until this year. It drew so much anger from startled drivers that organizers are now considering canceling the event. And if it does happen again, state law enforcement has pledged to step in."


    Good!!! ;)

  2. you mean on purpose out of spite? obviously they would be a pretty shitty person to begin with. as ive never had it happen, im not sure how id react. there would def. be words exchanged probably.

    LiveLeak.com - Doors Open Day

    when traffic is stopped up where are they gonna go? into the side of the car next to them?

    again, im talking about when traffic is stopped or moving very very slowly. if traffic starts moving then you get in a lane.

    im not doing 90 between cars moving at freeway speed.

    Yep when traffic is stopped. You have never seen drivers get out of their car during a long wait? Or seen idiot drivers try and squeeze in front of someone else by turning toward them? Not necessarily intentionally to screw with someone splitting lanes. That is bs. But the other stuff does happen all too often.

    All it takes is to have that happen once. I have been around long enough to think about 'possibilities' like that, and whether 'what could happen' is worth the risk. Risk and reward. Is the risk (and repercussions) worth the gain. That's all I am saying. I just don't need all that just to gain a few minutes....

  3. So part is closed this year? They were re surfacing a portion running south out of Zanesville early last summer so on that run we had to forego riding it, but hadn't been back this summer. Bet its a beautiful scenic ride this time of the year...

  4. Never heard of this.

    I have ridden the dragon. Imho its way overblown....there are far more better rides down that way. We stayed in Gatlinburg and the owner of the B&B we stayed at was a biker. He showed us some of the most beautiful areas you could imagine.

  5. ive gone to the front at many redlights. i mean, fuck it. its not like im holding anyone up.

    ive lane split many times too. but its not like im doing 90 between cars that are doing 75. thats just retarded. ive do it when cars are at a complete stop, or they are moving like 5 mph.

    im not sure what america's problem is with it. its the norm everywhere else in the world... we are very self centered here, and i think that has a lot to do with it. people have an attitude of "if i cant move, they shouldnt either" which is the wrong attitude to have.

    it should be "i cant move, but they can, so why hold them up?"

    So what do you do if, when you are splitting a lane, a car suddenly throws their door open either into you, or just as you are at the door and you hit them or it? How about if the vehicle sitting suddenly moves over one way or another, all without any regards to someone coming up between vehicles in the lane? I saw a kid get hit when he was walking across the street where vehicles were stopped due to a fender bender up in front a few cars. The kid thought he'd cross the street since traffic was at a standstill and as he stepped out from in front of a van !wham! he got hit by a crotch rocket coming up between the stopped cars.

    These can be commonplace when traffic is sitting like that.

  6. Riding the AlCan, from what my friends have related, is a tough one. The road is beattohell and the bugs are godawful. There are l-o-n-g stretches between fuel stops so planning is of utmost importance. A friend of mine rode the Hoka Hay race last year and I have talked to several who have made the trip up and back, both on bikes and in cages. They all recommend the ride but everyone's bikes needed major work upon their return and breakdowns were a plenty even for the best prepared rider.

    Alaska is our last land frontier and quite an endeavor to undertake. Far out!

    I sure would love to make that trip, but its always timing and cashola.

  7. I hope the woman that microwaved her baby gets death. I don't give two shits about this story. I'm more into punishment of the true bad people.

    That too. But this crap on the roadways has got to stop too. Or they're going to come down on all of us bikers, hard. 'True Bad people'....and who picks and chooses who those 'true bad people' are?

  8. by overriding states rights...


    I went to scribd and read it for myself....


    For instance, buried deep, deep on page 133 of the bill, it states:


    (a) Abrogation of State Immunity- A State shall not be immune under the 11th Amendment to the Constitution from a suit brought in a Federal court of competent jurisdiction for a violation of this Act.

    Come again? Under the bill’s authority, states are not immune from federal prosecution if they violate the act. In the event this bill passes, it will override a state’s sovereign authority as defined and protected under the 11th amendment:

    The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

    It gets even better:

    (A) WAIVER- A State’s receipt or use of Federal financial assistance for any program or activity of a State shall constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity, under the 11th Amendment to the Constitution or otherwise, to a suit brought by an employee or applicant for employment of that program or activity under this Act for a remedy authorized under Section 375© of this Act [emphasis added].

    Any state that receives Federal assistance under the direction of bill automatically forfeits its sovereign immunity. Should an employe of the act seek federal prosecution, the state must abide.

    They will literally make a Federal case out of it. The bill continues:

    (2) EFFECTIVE DATE- With respect to a particular program or activity, paragraph (1) applies to conduct occurring on or after the day, after the date of enactment of this Act, on which a State first receives or uses Federal financial assistance for that program or activity.

    c) Remedies Against State Officials- An official of a State may be sued in the official capacity of the official by any employee or applicant for employment who has complied with the applicable procedures of this Act, for relief that is authorized under this Act.

    (d) Remedies Against the United States and the States- Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, in an action or administrative proceeding against the United States or a State for a violation of this Act, remedies (including remedies at law and in equity) are available for the violation to the same extent as such remedies would be available against a non-governmental entity.


  9. Honestly? I'd rather see aid going to a third-world nation than to a spoiled American that feels he's owed money because he was born here.

    Why is it automatically ass-umed that if we bring home all that money it is going to be for 'hand-outs'?

    With all that money we could seriously put a dent in unemployment with some real bonafide job creation actions. :cool:

  10. On another site we had quite a discussion over lane splitting, riding on the shoulder during times when traffic is stopped like that.

    Wonder what would have happened when one of those idiots were coming up between a couple of stopped vehicles and suddenly a car door flew open, and someone got up out of his vehicle? That happens alot when traffic is a standstill like that.

    We all talk about how the police are becoming more brazen in their approach in dealing with the public. We watched a cop in Canton or Akron that was an asshat with some people just standing around and talking at night.

    You can laugh about gunfire coming into play, but what are Leo's supposed to do with idiots like this? Virtually impossible to contain or control, so what will end up happening is Law enforcement will take their game up a few notches and the next thing we know is, yes, bikers like that will be going down, shot dead. Then the law will begin to come down on all us bikers.

  11. found a local guy that one of my roomate knows that will do it for free if we buy the materials and beer :p WINNING. As far as moving it, we had 10 guys pretty big and it was still a struggle. Easily a 1000 lb tub.

    Sounds like you got a helluva deal. Good for you, and good luck!

  12. The bible is a collection of unrelated texts written by bronze age goat herders, combined and edited by a group of elites, with an agenda to combine and grow their relative political and social power. It has been translated, edited, embellished, and exaggerated countless times by countless people with their own countless agendas.

    It's historical value is nil, and it's "prophecy" value is less.

    We need to take some ron paul advice, and let the rest of the world deal with their own f*cking problems.

    From the resident know-it-all.....:rolleyes:

    The ONLY thing you got right is about Ron Paul. The rest is merely ass-umption.

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