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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. !Edit! Forget the map. It's no good. I'll have to make one from my PC and maybe it will work. I don't have this whole laptop thing down all that well.

    Just a idea..


    I don't know where all the covered bridges are but here is an idea. Only about 100 miles (basically a warm up). Tons of stuff could be added like Squires Castle, other bridges (Windsor for sure, then it would make the most sense to skip Paine Falls and maybe add Nelson Ledges instead.) and Maybe run into Middletucky and stop by Shade Tree, Just for Fun or eat at Mary Yoders.

    Either way this basic route is something I do regularly, except the Bula part. The roads are as good as it gets for the area. Especially going across the whole region, for the most part.

    Or not.

  2. You don't? :wtf:

    ($60 ebay dashcam, for those days when deer jump out at you, or you get hit by a cager who then runs and leaves you with a 'failure to control' ticket)

    Not on a bet.

    Or I'd have a video of this big buck walking out in front of me up on 127 southbound, in northern Michigan, when I was tooling along at about 75+. Luckily when I downshifted and the pipes backfired he heard me and darted on across. He sure wasn't hearing my horn....

    or the turkey scratching in the gravel just off the blacktop just a few miles further down 127.

    Them critters!

  3. Well remember Doc, a concerted effort like this really needs a leader, someone who makes decisions to make the ride work out best for everyone, at least that's what I have discovered. We have run lines of 50 pairs riding side by side and managed to keep everyone together. The ride captain upfront, another man bringing up the rear with a man or two in the middle all being able to communicate with each other so if someone breaks down, or straggles, if there is a malady along the way, well you get the picture. Sounds like you all are going to be running strong though, more likely knees to the ground, and ours were more relaxed and steady, no hurry, just enjoying the ride and the scenery.

    Different strokes...

  4. Did'nt want to offend any body, i get the point you are making, I will change the wording from RULES to REQUEST, i wish every one shows up in atleast a helmet and jacket. In you tube i seen many mega rides become sort of juvenile adrenaline rush up with "non geared" riders showing up to sort of just "own the street" blocking every street etc and not to enjoy yhte ride or respect the community.

    This is turning out to be PR disaster, the list was no personal invite, its just an imaginary list i made from the riders i know in here thats all, As of now consider this my no our personal invite to each an every one who i accidently or uniknowingly left off.

    @hollywood, during every weekend rides i sent pm to bunch of neo riders, and included you in the list, u never got any? Ask tony and his wife also to join up for the ride :)

    @connerot, make that 2 hour slab this once so we can pull this off, lets say the last big OR ride before close of season, why not just do it. Any one else from your area coming down?

    @LOtgod, hope at least this time we get to meet at last, :D keeping fingers crossed for aetsh as well

    @Mike OR DGR >>>>>>> canada

    @twisted/ST: then 25 we will aim for :)

    @C bus/ Mykill: any chance of getting more riders from down there.? as long as you can take clips in short interval It will be huge help :) for some reason my pc doesnt handle bigger files to edit.

    No biggie man. Social mediums like this are lacking when sarcasm is used...lol. So....

    I know everyone is invited, just pokin atcha man

    No need changing anything. If you want to require or desire that riders wear protective gear, its your gig.

    The other thing would be the distance.....partaking would mean an 11 hr ride day, not counting stops. That's a pretty long day in the saddle for me and the missus....

    Do it, have fun, and don't look back! :cool:

  5. LOL, rules of what you must wear. Is this a govt function? LOL

    Been riding for nearly 40 years, been on many rides with some very long lines of riders involved and have yet to see any rules of what you must wear. But whatever, your ride, your thing. I wasn't invited, not into riding in groups at brisk paces, which to me translates into problems keeping everyone running together and certainly not going to be told what I have to wear for a leasurely ride. So its just as well.

    Y'all have fun, be safe

  6. That would be a question to ask the agent as well. They (the company or agent) may respond back with there is no rate for a PC 10 and it is not something we are looking to insure at this current moment. Or they might have a rate developed and it is so outrageous that it would not be financially viable to stay with his current insurer. They're companies out there that will write a home in a PC10. For sure the Ohio FAIR (Fair Access to Insurance Requirements) plan will. I would just start calling around to independent agents and get some quotes.

    Usually it will fall down to the fact that some insurance companies do not write for pc 10 because of how they have made their deal with the state Ins commission. But like you said there will be those insurers out there that will write those policies.

    A few years back my wife was involved in some software testing involving rating. This included all states where Nationwide writes business. It was a real eye opener for me as to all involved in writing and rating a policy. And every state is different.

  7. It sounds like your current company ran a protection class search on your home. Basically if you live more than 5 road miles away from a responding fire department / station and a certain distance way from a fire hydrant you fall into various property protection classes. These protection classes look like 4/9 for example. If you are 5 road miles or less from a responding fire department / station and have a fire hydrant within 1000 feet you will be in a protection class 4. If you are 5 road miles a way from a responding fire department / station and have a fire hydrant more than 1000 feet away you will be classified in a protection class 9 and finally to add to you confusion if your property does not qualify for either of the above scenarios a protection class 10 applies.

    These protection classes are what insurance companies use to rate your property, the lower the protection class the lower your rate will be (usually, but other underwriting criteria come into play as well) and easier it is to insure your home and vice versa. If the agent did not research where your home is located in a protection class the company will.

    I would talk to your agent and see what exactly went on but from what you are describing it sounds like the company did a search on your property protection class.

    And so your next question should be 'why can't I be rated at the prot class 10 rate and keep your policy?

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