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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. They need an 'eye in the sky' over 270 during business hours of high traffic counts. My wife drives it twice a day and between the cutters and the texters all running bumper to bumper at 70 + mph it is one dangerous stretch. The police coverage is horribly lacking.....

  2. I rode by a cop in a town square once (he was on foot) and he motioned to put my visor down.... (I wasn't wearing sunglasses as it was a little cloudy)...

    I had NO idea what he was doing until I about 10-15 seconds later.

    And your 'notice of appreciation' (ticket) is in the mail.....:D

  3. If a rider is not wearing other eye protection, the way I understand the law, the rider is breaking the law. The cop is justified in the stop. If the rider was wearing eye protection behind the visor, the stop was a type of harassment. Leo's are human, and it happens. Legal or not, in some of the Atlantic coast states, cops admittedly (but not to the judge) pull bikers over for bs reasons with their main objective being to check for MC endorsements. Along the way they also write other tickets. A real catch 22. As much as that's some real waste, my wife drives 270 daily, and that road needs more cop presence, more tickets written. She drives in the Tuttle Crossing area of Dublin and several intersections there need the same thing. Bottomline there are not enough Leo's out there, so they are spread out paper thin already When's the last time a person was pulled over for a light out, or for failure to come to a complete stop, or for failure to use turn signals. Instead now we have cop video remote surveillance at certain intersections......so yeh the cop probably had lots of more important things to be doing, but even the little stuff needs attention too.

  4. Wearing a skidlid when involved in a headon isn't going make any difference other than more plastic scattered on the ground.

    It grinds me to hear instant responses to bike wrecks-them not wearing helmets.

    Sometimes its an issue, sometimes not, but it never overrides the accident itself imho.

    RIP rider

  5. Wow, I might be wrong, but I would think that citizen could be suing the shit out of Canton PD right now, or whatever that asshole cop was part of... He was basically threatened and told he would be harassed every time the cop saw his vehicle.

    I didn't watch the second video because the first was enough. I have been pulled over three times carrying, I did everything right, but those cops did everything NOT by the book. As a matter of fact there are so many errors, that any PD reviewing that dash cam would fire an office right away for it.

    Anyways, hope that citizen gets a fat check from Canton, and that officer ends up working the graveyard in the local jail.

    Based on how 'quick' the driver appeared to be not so sure he would figure out he was sitting on a cash cow....LOL

  6. I dropped Mr Schulman a short note-

    "You are entitled to your opinions, but the facts argue against your personal beliefs. Try some investigation before opening yourself up to the type of scrutiny you now face.

    As far as the officers involved in the 'viral video' of which you spoke in your rant, I personally have many stand up law abiding acquaintances who live in or work in Canton. Many have said the actions they saw taken by the officers were not uncommon in Canton. Perhaps instead of ranting about gun laws and taking the attention away from the incident in the 'viral video' you might better serve your community by helping correct the problem at hand in your city."

    Here is his email address-


  7. Looks like my Harbor Freight lift table. Very stable, works great. Lifts my 700 lb harley without a sweat.

    Great price too and bring some muscle, mine weighs in neighborhood of 300 lbs and is about 9 ft long iirc.

  8. the Harley wont be back together, but ill probably just ride the R6 sitting in the garage.

    unless by miracle my parts get here !!!

    Get em?

    I found my primary leaking so I pulled the derby over off to replace the gasket with a steel one and found a crack at one of the bolt holes on the cover. So just got that replaced. I'm ridin a 100 yr anniversary bike, and the old cover was an anniversary marked one, so now am on the hunt for one. I replaced it with one I found just to get back on the road because the 100 yr covers I ran across were priced like they were made of gold and sorry, that ain't happenin. :cool:

  9. From a fellow traveler, this is absolutely correct. Getting delayed for weather sucks, but they have no control over the weather. The contract of carriage states that the company has to reasonably provide transport to your destination, and the bus certainly qualifies as a reasonable transport. Best case is you get "lucky" and get a $100 voucher only good for that airline (like what I got when I was delayed in CMH for 12 hours on Christmas Eve, no weather involved).

    Welcome to modern traveling. Suck it up and deal.

    This is one reason I will not fly anymore.

  10. The AD needs to go same as Tressel. To an outsider its glaringly obvious. Might still happen.....

    As far as this new revelation, there is an old saying about a fat lady singing, and I don't hear her garbling yet. We will know the truth to the NCAA's 'hammer time' come mid August.

    I think OSU might have found their coach in Fickle. Vrable adds some real asst coach leadership to lb's as well. I don't think ol UrbanM should be packing his bags yet.

  11. See whatcha get fer riding one of dem sporty bikes.....jk man. Dude you were clipping along at a pretty rapid rate. Glad to hear you suffered only minor injuries. The bike can be fixed.

    Take care and heal up, lots of summer left...

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