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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Thats why he was talking about a diet to TRY to get under 3000lbs Dude, I am just making sure everyone understands the ground rules. Im not worried about it.
  2. I hope he does not go buy Octain Booster!!! OHHH NOOOES!!!!:no:
  3. Thank god.... I am worry free at this point.
  4. Has to run the same way it was ran at "12.9" In the past with Chris the Troll driving it.
  5. Yes it is locked in, I am saying it has to run the way it ran when it went "12.9" in the past. That is all.. oh and better lay of the McDoubles and Smokes till after Nov 5th
  6. Fuel type has not been discussed. I will research all his BS claims of 12.9 and see if he metioned running a more that 93 octain when it went "12.9" and if it says on 87 it has to be done with 87
  7. My birthday dinner at OutBack at 8
  8. You'll be crying when your shit breaks and never makes a 12.99 pass... then after you hand over the $100 I will, with no shame, piss on you car as its being loaded onto the flat bed. Or make an offer for your car of $101 He has the whole track day to run 12.99 As stated if I get $100 for ever pass slower than 13.000
  9. Phil I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.
  10. As it was when it supposedly ran the 12.9. That was stated previously. I will quote it when I get back on my computer.
  11. I see it playing out one of these ways: -Gnome Puts 100 Shot on... Does Not run 12.99 NA, I get $100 -Gnome runs staraight NA, Goes 13.99... I get $100 -Gnome doenst go to track day, therefore he does not run 12.9 I get $100
  12. Its as it ran when it went "12.9" in the past. All Motor. In His broke dick FB
  13. I got your $1OO you will not go 12.99 on the 5th... LOCK IT IN?
  14. Your Peice of shit is not faster, as dependable, well maintained, clean, sexy as my Mustang was. Since I am a tad bit broke as I hear you are. I put $50 you wont go 12.99 on November 5th 2011 CR Track Day!!!
  15. Rhett

    Iraq war, DONE

    Yay! Back to work!
  16. How much can you afford and how much are you willing to lose.... remember YOU have to take it the 12.99
  17. And you said you were holding off on getting another car for a year or 2... smh
  18. Rhett

    Iraq war, DONE

    I saw them moving a bunch of troops out while I was there in 09/10... Can some one copy and paste the artical so I can read it here at work?
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