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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. No TV is worth missing thanksgiving dinner with my family... they are forever alone... But just had this Idea: Next year I am going to show up early with a tent and tape player making random snoring and moving sounds... set up tent. Press play and go about my day
  2. Likewise sir! Hope Chipotle was good lol Both Sold UPDATED! Still have the M9 Holster and Sleeping bag for sale asking $25 each now instead of $50. Also Have the Blackhawk Elbow and Knee Pads for $35
  3. Just get a Fit and call it a day.
  4. I am dubsteped out also but that dude was sick!!!
  5. Thanks guys, I am trying to see what my budget will be with the new job. But I will keep the offers in mind.
  6. Im worried about the chaos we will see!!!
  7. TRIPLE Someone buy the other stuff. Like Mag Pouches, Holster, Sleeping Bag I also Heard Knee Pads make great gifts for the special girl in your life.... or your Zombie Fearing Boyfriend!!!
  8. Looks very similar to this http://www.nexternal.com/armynavy/images/Camo-Duffle-Backpack-ACU-di.gif
  9. No, but I have a rolling ACU duffel bag. Ill post pics up tomorrow. I would take $20 for it. Its like rolling luggage.
  10. Great Job Guys!!! Was a blast!!! Will have pictures of the festivities up soon:gabe:
  11. Ok, I need some Cash... The Vest is now $125 and 50% off everything else... What would you guys be willing to pay for a MICH/MCH Helmet with ACU Cover looks like this- http://www.armyproperty.com/images/products/v1/AG_SCP05_L_3.jpg And How about $375 for ACU Vest like the DCU one above with all attachments and Side-plates. Looks like this- http://i67.servimg.com/u/f67/13/87/79/34/img_5224.jpg
  12. Rhett


    $180 / 12 months = $15 a month.... too much? If the insurance company only new your luck.... $15 a month is to little for you ass.
  13. So I moved in with 2 of my buddies from High School in May ( I am 24) I had not really hung out with them in a few years. One had just got engaged and the other well he just is the guy that tags along. We moved into the apartments on Steltzer Rd, The Residence at Town Center. They are really nice apartments and quit. Tons of Indians and Middle eastern folk but all really nice. But my room mates are complete slobs. They are living like this is a campus frat house. Minus the sick parties and hot bitches. They have broken doors, burnt holes in the carpets and my couch, fucked the tile to hell. So my security deposit is gone and Ill prob have to spend some cash when we move out :fuuuu:. Then they dont pick shit up... I used to pick up after them because I couldnt stand shit sitting out. But I quit playing mom (which they have lived with their whole life (they are 26 & 27). So now they kitchen is fucked, there is some food out for over 3 weeks, plates in the living room, beer bottles and all sorts of shit. Its a fucking science experiment. They also leave every mother fucking light on in the house, plus tv's, both of their computers ( 2 laptops and 2 desk tops, not in sleep mode either) one of the fuckers has even left the stove on for hours several times. They leave the apartment with out locking up or anything.... I just need a new living situation. So I may be looking to move in with another room mate in a month or so. Any lookers? I would like to stay close to this area but let me know. Im looking to either find a new room mate or room mates already living some where or starting a new lease some where new. A house would be great. Let me know what is going on and if your are interested. Advice is also welcome.... no bull shit tho. This means you Phil.
  14. Go eat a Gnome Dick 100% Srs You can respect the game
  15. Pro tip, you were going to get paid $1 and two O's This is One Hundred - $100 This is One Oh Oh - $1OO Fuck you Troll:fuckyeah:
  16. All this stuff makes me wanna Bump BUMP!!!
  17. This thread is worthless.... But lets keep it going!
  18. Allegedly 12.9 with Derek driving it.
  19. Guess I did say at the track day... you got lucky So with the track day canceled how would I owe any money since you did not run a 12.99 or faster???
  20. Bull Shit, You better go run a 12.99 on the 5th or you'll be needing to pay up. I dont recall saying it HAD to be done at a CR track day, just Nov 5th
  21. Mark PM Sent. Sold the ABA vest, IFAKs, Plates
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