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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Rhett


    So HD limits your viewing of amazingness on the intrawebz
  2. 2013 Ford Fusion.... Beautiful... for a Ford http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/404804_2531409091283_1435170036_31937882_735045716_n.jpg
  3. Rhett


    23" must be where the fail kicks in... because it works fine for me and my Monitor is 22" "HD".....
  4. Rhett


    I clicked through ever 5sec or so just to check for scary shit before trying it. Cool find
  5. Hood Latch= $25 Will be taking Ratchet Strap with me till I get a new latch
  6. So I am going to pick up a 1998 Honda Civic EX 2 Door Auto tomorrow. It has 152,xxx with 1.6 What all should I look for? I know of Honda Cancer but what else should I look for? For those Curious I am trading it for my Jeep with 204k and a few minor issues (Tie Rods, AC Selector switch and exhaust leak) for this Civic with a cracked rear bumper and the hood latch needs replaced.
  7. The Unaware Dumb Mom ones are great
  8. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/398617_332983336732223_186457858051439_1045364_1774637336_n.jpg
  9. I guess there still are some mental side effects from getting there asses whooped in WWII. Car show was in Hiroshima.
  10. Yep, and that is exactly what legalizing Gay Marriage will lead to!!!!
  11. Rhett

    Dear wnaplay...

    Yeah... Fuck it. Im done with this site till I have something on topic of racing to discuss. The drama is too much on here any more. I am guilty of it at times. But I am out of here. See you all at the meets and track. Ill troll by to keep an eye on those events. Later
  12. Pussy ass other team. If that would have been Whitehall someone (34) would have got knocked the fuck out.
  13. Rhett

    Dear wnaplay...

    This shit is too serious.... Its a website, not a way of life.
  14. Really? Mine has a E74 error. I took it to a guy to have it fixed. He couldnt fix it. Now I have a dead Xbox... FML They just take it and were like... heres $xx?
  15. I did the same exact thing 3 weeks ago. Have not put down Skyrim to play any of the games I bought (Batman Arkham City, MW3, BF3) I played MW3 for a few days before I put Skyrim in for the first time.
  16. Its like Final Fantasy, but more like Oblivion :masturboy:
  17. Why didnt she do Playboy looking like this :C http://blog.reelloop.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/rl_lohan.jpg
  18. Looking for a Traxxas Rustler or shared parts. LMK
  19. Rhett

    Dear Alex

    Happy Birthday Brospeh
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