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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. We Won! Ohio's Kicking Team SUCKED /Thread
  2. LOL It was a good night. The only thing car related was a parking lot and a Sonic... but good night none the less. AYE THERE NUT!!!
  3. The woman have any hot friends? JK.. but seriously...
  4. Im bored as hell I will be there!
  5. Got ya, I looked again and saw that it must have been a pad on the seat belt.. Sorry about you ride tho man really am.
  6. Sorry to hear man! So did the cage help you? Because I read in a Import Tuner that having a cage will fuck you up more in a accident like this. Because the car has crumple zones to absorb the force of the impact. Don't know if you have been in a accident before to compare, but do you think it did/didn't help?
  7. Question: Does she need a new Boyfriend... Im willing to hit it for a few months.
  8. Rhett


    Bring my tool kit btw!
  9. Rhett


    May be there, About to hit up shades with the fam. But will try to make a appearance tonight. I emailed you a few pics btw
  10. Would you be willing to separate Forza3? and How much?
  11. Rhett

    84 300z

    Will be waiting on Pictures... May pick this up!
  12. Dave, What is the status of this. Just wondering about to do a full tune up and this would be helpful!
  13. Awesome, I love Travis! He is always pushing it 110% That is probably why he wrecks a lot... lol
  14. They are doing there job... they dont know you. This is prob a procedure to cut down on thefts, So they could have flagged it because they thought the bike gould have been stolen property or not legit.. they would do this to the bike.. not to you because they cant prove you stole it or didn't. Sucks man.. what do you have to do now to correct the situation? get it Re-titled?
  15. Looked like he was having trouble reading the outline, maybe Paul wrote it for him?
  16. Paul, It would have been smart to go in with the document filled out correctly, especially if it had already been notarized. The Notary is supposed to make sure all that stuff was filled out correctly by both parties. So you could also have gotten your notary in a little bit of trouble too.. Paul its not their fault for doing their job. They are just being safe. I understand your anger but it should be towards the situation and not towards the BMV.
  17. I'm 3:27 into this video... I am laughing my ass off!!!
  18. If ya need help in the Alcohol part I am willing, I will except said sluts as payment!
  19. Dude, Same shit happened to me... (she was a server and he the cook at a country club) 1. Dont Fight him I, I caught her in Nyohs with him, walked out never looked back. 2. Loose any of her friends, fucking one would be awesome, but then you have more drama to deal with. 3. Start drinking more... this is partially how I came to PRK 4. Find a new hobby... like the gym. 5. It will prob happen again.. so be ready for a repeat.. 6. and for me the only thing to expect in a relationship is, Lies, Cheating, and Dram... if you find one with out these keep her!!! Sorry to hear man, good luck!
  20. Thats what she said??? Sooooorrrrrryyyyy I saw it and had to go for it!
  21. Good luck! I will be doing the same next year. I know going through the VA you dont have to pay to have a Home inspected, they cover that. And I have heard nothing but good things about the VA for home Loans... but the people who are selling the house will Hate them, because they make sure you will not have any problems down the road. Good luck mang!
  22. Work... must suck Im going crazy with no work lol
  23. OMG I almost spit my drink all over the keyboard... and allmost shit my self laughing at the same time!!!!
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