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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. I am working on this situation....
  2. Rhett


    In for truth... I also would like to see the kitchen... Rob and Phil... go queer up the tech section...
  3. Ight, I wake up this morning to a email on my phone saying that the chick that was my in, was sick and is on bed rest... so I am trying to figure out if part rock krew is still on the list... I will update soon
  4. I am currently in the AF, have been for 3.5 years. I love it. As for being a mechanic... I would not know from hands on but from wht I have heard it is annoying. It isnt go and rip it apart. It is get out a fucking book and "Turn bolt one, 3/4 turn then move to bolt two, turn 3/4 turn then... ect" It isnt you have to follow exact directions. Break down of the branches Army- Life Sucks, go-go-go all the time... lots of fucking retards Marines- "hell ya I am a fucking Marine... get some..." life still can suck Navy- ehhh it sucks but I am safe Air Force- Safe, good "Team" spirit, deployments are basicly vacations... But money should not be an option in choosing... there is no difference... a e-3 in the Army makes the exact same as a Navy e-3... I can talk to you more abut this if you want... PM any questions or call me
  5. All Ready lent one of mine out... can't have 3 Rhetts in a bar lol
  6. Lingerie fashion show @ _____________ secret Free Shuttle $1 Wells $2 Bombs $3 Martinis $1 Top Shelf to 11:30 Are the details, and the girls, well I am sure they will be classy something about model-talent agency throwing this so I am doubting it will be + Size women... Fuck it were Doing it live!!! PARTYROCKKREW22... Check you group invites lol
  7. Sucks +1 I love my morning drive 4:45am not too many people out lol
  8. "When life gives you lemons, just say 'Fuck the lemons,' and bail" - Surfer Dude from forgetting Sarah Marshal
  9. Rhett


    I want fun, clean drama....
  10. Wait so does Party Rock Crew 22 have a fan???
  11. I think he means like a hulu type thing... am I right Brandon?
  12. It will scare me... I cant wait to see the caterpillar
  13. Rhett


    Down for the kitchen! Sam, I know about this other site... I registered... need someone to vouch me on. Put my name out there some one will!
  14. Damn it Phil if you cant call shotgun from in my apartment, or early THAT day.... you sure as hell cant call it 48+ hours in advance....
  15. If my car breaks... hopefully it goes up in flames.... then Insurance claim... then bike and a dd!
  16. I have a feeling I am going to break something this weekend... I am thinking yoke...
  17. Ight I will try to get it to you before Friday, is that cool?
  18. I got us a free night at one of the clubs, and vip to the owners section... plus $1 top shelf drinks to midnight, there will be lap dances and strippers on a pole plus a Lingerie show. PM me if you are done I will give details, have to have the names in by tomorrow, its being thrown by a girl I went to school with..
  19. Rhett


    I am thinking 55.7 guys... it really looks like a GAU to me.
  21. I dont haz bottle....:ninja: I think it will be a good race on motor... the only way I run.... lol
  22. you aint walking me at mid 13's paul... fyi
  23. Paul, What did you run last time???
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