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Everything posted by carman45750
I may meet up with you guys along 83S somewhere between New Concord and Cumberland, like I planned last weekend.
Tuesday, I rode south on south on 260 to 26 and the sign at 260/26 said 26 was closed 10 mi east towards woodsfield. I took 26 west back to Marietta, after about 5 mi there was a one lane bridge section that will be completely closed starting 7/5. You still have access down 260 across 26 to 7. I will try to meet up with you guys on 83, around cumberland or new concord. I will be heading north and whip around when you pass. Red CBR1000 and maybe blue R6 if my woman rides.
Pickering House Charity Poker Run - Steve Detty ride.
carman45750 replied to max power's topic in Events
Just got back tonight and going to try to make it to the Hospice poker run tomorrow am and maybe get a chance to meet a few of you. I will be coming up 33, I should be easy to spot, I will be the one without a skank. -
Thanks everyone. Just got back tonight, I have been out of town for a week and havent had a chance to reply. Going to try to make it to the Hospice poker run tomorrow and maybe get a chance to meet a few of you. I should be easy to spot, I will be the one without a skank.
Ive been out of town for a week and just got back to Marietta tonight and decided to go on the Hospice poker run. I Just wanted to give you guys a heads up you may run into some traffic from a local poker run for the humane society here in Marietta that starts here at 11am. They dont have a route posted that I can find tonight and its too late to call. There is usually a large turn out for this, so it could interfere with your time line and or patience if your paths overlapp. Its starting point is around the corner from your Marietta gas stop. Here is a couple of contact numbers and address if you want to try in morning sometime to find out there route. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5108 319 Pike Street, Marietta, OH 45750-3324 (740) 374-9038 Juanita at (740) 373-9503 or Rhonda at (740) 373-7610 Also its been week and half since I was out 260 and they had just put gravel along side the fresh pavement and of course it was all over the road then. On 255 they were cleaning out the ditches in various spots and made a mess along the way and spraying tar on the road edge. BTW the house trailer they were moving on the CSBA ride, I found out that is for the new 260 toll booth. Ohio riders get a discount, single pass $5 or $10 all day. Make checks payable to carman45750. Hopefully you wont run into any interference and all is cleared up for you guys, have fun.
Too many to list, dont even ask about cars. The best all around vfr, worst was uncomfortable oil puking harley. 1st dirt xr100...presently DR650. 1st street was a wrecked SuzGS550 I rebuilt, too slow considering I was riding yz490 off rode by that time and money was to be made...presently cbr1000rr. Got me thinking I have never owned a yamaha street bike, strange considering I would have turned down a bj or two for a Vmax when I was younger.
Something to consider for your next trip to SEO. Last on the list is my current time waster, the circle. Enjoy!! First: 260 with 537 out and back. 537 is newly paved also. Watchy out for the narrow bridge 1/3ish the way into 537, plenty of warning...signs and you can see it. It is in the middle of a turn and it its high in middle. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-260+S%2FRoad+Fork+Rd&daddr=OH-537+E+to:OH-537+E+to:OH-260+S+to:39.522019,-81.06406&hl=en&geocode=FSy6XgIdOh0m-w%3BFTe0XAIdu5oo-w%3BFc7jXAIdJ1wp-w%3BFfOyXAIdxJko-w%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=3&mrsp=4&sz=16&sll=39.522499,-81.057193&sspn=0.008872,0.019205&ie=UTF8&ll=39.522052,-81.057129&spn=0.5678,1.229095&z=10 Next an alternate SR60 route to Marietta. Mo turns and less LEO. Includes newly paved 376 N of Mcville, best of 339 and 821, and 530. Good roads with out going too deep into SEO. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-376+N%2FRockville+Rd&daddr=OH-376+S+to:W+Main+St+to:E+Main+St+to:OH-266+E+to:OH-60+S+to:Center+St+to:OH-821+S+to:OH-821+S+to:39.562427,-81.418819+to:OH-530+W+to:Main+St+to:Main+St&hl=en&geocode=FWVaXwIdB28e-w%3BFbowXgIdfQsf-w%3BFfj9XAIdoAQf-w%3BFVD9XAIdBxMf-w%3BFfluWwIdsA4g-w%3BFaY1XAIdCV4h-w%3BFWB0WwIdkFIi-w%3BFQ_3XAId7Nok-w%3BFR0sXAIdGcIl-w%3B%3BFajCWwId2O4k-w%3BFSwmWwId1lAk-w%3BFYJpWgIdbAkl-w&mra=mi&mrcr=6,7&mrsp=9&sz=13&via=1,8,10&sll=39.568779,-81.45813&sspn=0.070927,0.153637&ie=UTF8&ll=39.59881,-81.630478&spn=0.283586,0.614548&z=11 SR 26 from Marietta to 800 with a little extra kink from 260 / 537. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Greene+St&daddr=OH-260+N+to:OH-537+E+to:39.731936,-81.11485&hl=en&geocode=Fe5-WQIdWoAl-w%3BFQG2WwIdYfIo-w%3BFTa0XAIduZoo-w%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=2&mrsp=3&sz=17&sll=39.732018,-81.115623&sspn=0.004422,0.009602&ie=UTF8&ll=39.730426,-81.114807&spn=1.13218,2.458191&z=9 Lastly for you race track fans that enjoy going in circles the 260, 537, 26 circle(252). FYI there are 2 gas stations out here in BFE if you find yourself in need. In Marr on 260 near the intersection of 537, and on 537 (not open on Sun). http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-260+N&daddr=OH-537+E+to:OH-26+S%2FHilight+to:39.563684,-81.202784&hl=en&geocode=Ffy0WwIdwvEo-w%3BFQ20XAIdSpoo-w%3BFWXjXAIdD10p-w%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=2&mrsp=3&sz=14&sll=39.564677,-81.202784&sspn=0.035466,0.076818&ie=UTF8&ll=39.564412,-81.202698&spn=0.283727,0.614548&z=11 PS: Whats slicker than cow shite on a newly paved road... fresh cow shite on a newly paved road. The cattle crossing on 260 south of 537 and Marr, the one that I forgot to give you guys a heads up on last weekends ride. Well, I do know that he puts out yellow sirens on each sign (before and after the crossing) when its milk'n time. So if the sirens on, cows will be in the road or fresh evidence...photo op anyone? Warning, dont follow too close through here, I am a master flinger. Dirt clod cow shite concussion story some other time.
Did you get a hillbilly hotdog while you were down there?
Pretty good chance I could make it. If I do I will meet up at a gas stop like last weekend or head north on your begining southband route and uturn after you pass. Even if I cant, here is a route diversion suggestion that gives a sample of whats to come and only adds 5min and you get this. http://www.ohio-riders.com/album.php?albumid=1095&pictureid=11868 Here is the map link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-376+N%2FRockville+Rd&daddr=39.687374,-81.851578+to:E+Main+St&hl=en&geocode=FTBaXwIdq28e-w%3B%3BFdv9XAIdbgkf-w&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=12&via=1&sll=39.64879,-81.851921&sspn=0.141691,0.307274&ie=UTF8&ll=39.742306,-81.840591&spn=0.141499,0.307274&z=12 If you are interested in more just ask, I dont want to jack your ride and its close to your 24th deadline.
Here is a map I made for someone, thought you central guys would like also. Keeps you close if you dont have time for a run to the river or if your looking for something different. Highlights 376 (N of Mcville) 339,530, and the 83 section. Shorten it up if your umbilical cord isnt long enough or you get tired/scared of us hilljacks. You can cut out the bottom loop or connect 78 to Mcville for a really short but nice ride. I have plenty more routes ideas just not sure best place to post or most user friendly way how. More than willing to look at your route and offer suggestions. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Scenic+Crest+Rd&daddr=39.803426,-81.891403+to:OH-376+S+to:W+Main+St+to:E+Main+St+to:OH-266+E+to:OH-60+S+to:Center+St+to:OH-821+S+to:OH-530+W+to:Walnut+St+to:Main+St+to:OH-83+N+to:OH-83+N+to:OH-83+N+to:W+Main+St+to:9th+St+to:Eastman+St&hl=en&geocode=FaZ-YQIdC8Qc-w%3B%3BFbowXgIdfQsf-w%3BFfj9XAIdoAQf-w%3BFVD9XAIdBxMf-w%3BFfluWwIdsA4g-w%3BFaY1XAIdCV4h-w%3BFWB0WwIdkFIi-w%3BFQ_3XAId7Nok-w%3BFZasWwIdIqkl-w%3BFQosWwIdwE4k-w%3BFe4oWwId0Usk-w%3BFQjBWwIdbg0i-w%3BFYRsXQIdMo4h-w%3BFQvNXQIdAfsg-w%3BFdkUYAIdMe4h-w%3BFZthYQIdsr4c-w%3BFVx8YQIdhMMc-w&mra=dme&mrcr=0,1&mrsp=1&sz=15&via=2,10&sll=39.80458,-81.886253&sspn=0.017671,0.038409&ie=UTF8&ll=39.804481,-81.879687&spn=0.017671,0.038409&z=15
Joined while back figured it was time for an introduction. Me: easy going, but not easy. I have no patience for stupidity or prejudice..since I am a intelligent albino african american lesbian trapped in a mans body. Sarcasm, I give and receive. Live in Marietta and I ride 04 cbr1000rr. I am not brand specific, but have had more hondas, even..dare I say, tried harley. Current likes, RC51, hayabusa, and of course 1000rr. I took the summer off and I've ridden 8k this year so far 99% w/in 65mi of Marietta (I went to Cbus 3x I think). With that said I am not an expert on any one particular road here so dont ask which I think is best, it all depends on what you like. There are some well known roads, but if its not what you like. Just let me know what you like or want to do and I can try to point you in the right direction or lessor known road to one of the well known ones. Might be up for the occasional ride, but I only ride on my days off.