I heard someone talking at work about a happy hour guide to most of the bars and clubs in Columbus. Anyone got a link? I did a search on google and found a couple out of date listings.
Ive seen the smart cars for quite a while in Europe. They are pretty cool, instead of painting you just replace body panels. Ive seen one around campus lately.
I actually skipped riding the bus from Crosswoods to campus this qtr at school. Next qtr will be a different story. 50-75 cents a gallon change my mind very quickly.
I have 4 gift certificates that i was going to use but ended up getting sick and other things came up. Perfect time to go. They expire at the end of the month. Go use the snow that just got dumped on us! 20 bucks a piece.
I did some dohnuts in the driveway for a while.
I would stay away from something on stock turbos that you dont know the history behind. Also Tips are cheap, find a 6 speed. They hold their value better and have much less drive train loss than tips.
Theres tons of 'em for sale right now. Plenty under 15k on autotrader too. My suggestion would be to find an 01.5-02 if you can. Also stock or stage 3 because of the turbos issues.
Drove home from work to turn into the drive. I was going 5 mph and anti-lock came on couple feet from the drive.... had to keep goin and not end up in the ditch. Last time i remember snow like this was last year or the year before where Columbus got dumped on right before evening rush hour. I decided i wanted to take the stang out for a drive lol.