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Everything posted by Decimation

  1. No, I just don't believe what you say about the EXUP not doing anything when research clearly shows that it does.
  2. No, because it's easier to ask questions and get RECENT opinions. I'm sorry I don't have a 1984 R6. Take a midol.
  3. I'm good. People on here cry enough as is
  4. The recent one wasn't entirely my fault. It was in the back of my truck when I hydroplaned into a barrier in WV. Almost lost her off the side of the mountain
  5. I need new plastics before I even consider getting new paint. I've got a lot of cracks in annoying places.
  6. I realize this. I had pre-conceived plans of getting it painted. The plastics are fucked from laying it down a few times. I don't know whether or not I want to just get black or white plastics, or come up with something original and spend a lot of cash.
  7. It's aLimited Edition. You act like I put the stickers on myself. I wanted the Raven, but I got fucked. You don't know the story, son.
  8. You assume I'm a "squid" because I'm new to this site. Cool story bro
  9. I got halfway through your post and realized I trust people way too much.
  10. Yeah, I was laughing hysterically for about 2 minutes until I got sick and annoyed.
  11. Takes me about 15-20 to get there from Ravenna. I have to take 14 to 303 to get there. I'll start sending out mass texts; that's the best way to really get people in a group, I guess.
  12. Seems like I'd just be purposely sacrificing power by getting rid of the exup.
  13. I have a few of your numbers, but I rarely send out a text. I guess I'm going to have to start doing that. I made a post asking if anyone wanted to ride last night, and everyone posted that they wished they'd have gotten online to check the forums. This was, of course, after I was done with the ride.
  14. K, here's what I was talking about. Didn't know it was called diagonal rd, pretty sure someone already said something about it. It's not bad, but if you come to a 3-way fork in the road, just stay straight. Those splits are the ones that made me feel like I was having an epileptic fit. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=rt+14+and+diagonal+rd+intersection+ravenna,+ohio+44266&sll=41.220631,-81.301918&sspn=0.064431,0.110035&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Ohio+14+%26+Diagonal+Rd,+Streetsboro,+Portage,+Ohio+44241&ll=41.219728,-81.315093&spn=0.008054,0.013754&z=16
  15. technically I'm in shalersville. It goes Ravenna - Shalersville - Mantua if you follow 44
  16. Oh man, screw Mantua. Coming from Ravenna to Mantua, the speed limit goes from 45 to 25 with little to no warning. Such a speed trap.
  17. I go down rt 14 like I'm going to go to Streetsboro. You come to a 4 way and there's a huge farm with horses on it (name escapes me). Bang a left at that farm and just follow it. It's residential for awhile, but it get's better. I'll post a map in a minute, I'm in class right now.
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