Yes, aviation. My spelling is bad:o. I forgot to use spell check. As much as I would love to join the Air Force, I can't. I was going to enlist into the Navy, but after I did all my paper work and wha not, they found I had to many traffic tickets. They counted all my tickets from when I was 16 years of age to now, 24 years old. Alothough I have not gotten any tickets for over three years they said I coul'nt. So I went next door to the Air Force and they said I could'nt enlist their also. So my options are Army and MC. I was able to study up on the Navy, being that was what I wanted and going for. A close friend on mine is serving the Navy, and he told me alot about that branch. I don't know what to expect though the other branches though. So I was trng to get a feel of how life would be. I know there are deployments, but I think it would be fun. A chance to help people. Everyone has given great advice so far! I thank all you who have and have served in the military!