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Posts posted by LINK

  1. Sport naked motorcycles look silly... and why would someone want that low end and mid range for street riding anyway?


    I agree, fairings are better looking, offer way more protection, tall gearing is awesome on the street, and being leaned over for 500+ miles a day is just bad ass!

  2. What if you ride when it is nice out, yet you create bad conditions by heading into the woods for some mud and water adventures?


    This does not log many miles... it is an all day event though, and it wears my ass out!


    Does this make me a fair weather rider?

  3. I did not say I was on his side in any way, at least I did not mean for my opinion to come off that way.


    This does happen, and people need to be aware, aggression and/or "I will show you" mentality, is not the answer, nor a solution, as you unfortunately received first hand experience of this.


    Did the method you chose to use this time work?... Stopping the flow of traffic, as you mentioned, on a very busy and fast paced freeway, was that the answer?

    Guess what, if you encounter another douche like this, and react in the same manner, the same thing could very well happen again, possibly worse results for you the next time, especially when you cause someone to get rear ended behind you.


    What I would do in an accused situation like you mention, is without a doubt, excuse myself if I felt that I was in harms way, either by throttling out of it, or find a way to let them pass... I am on a motorcycle, there was several options that I saw in the video clip I watched, pissing someone off that obviously does not care about others safety on a roadway, would not be one of them, but that is me.


    There are so many people out there today, that do not give a shit about you, or anyone else for that matter, while they are driving, and anything that you do or say to them, will NOT convince them into thinking any differently...all you can do is be aware, expect the negative, and avoid them as best you can...

    Let them pass...

    If you feel the need,follow them, they will eventually stop, then confront them with your thoughts on how they are doing things wrong...  fight them, shoot them, do whatever you feel necessary, but while you two are expressing your egos on a busy freeway, there are others that did not ask to be involved in your nonsense, and now you both have placed many others at risk!


    I am by no means a good example for safety on the street with a motorcycle, I know this, and my comments above make me somewhat of a hypocrite too, but I do try my best ( that I know how, and still have fun riding) to not put others at risk....myself, not so much!


    Good to see nothing worse happened, ride safe!



  4. Tailgaters are annoying, and distracting,  I agree, but if they are not touching you, or making false attempts at ramming into you, where is your complaint?


    This happens, we all know it, and have experienced it a time or two... as a matter of fact, many on here, has most likely, been the accused a time or two themselves, I would make a substantial wager on this by the way.


    My question is, what was your intent by slowing to a crawl, what was you going to do at that point?  Were you bored, or were you trying to make them aware of something they obviously seen no problem with, you in fact, are now the dick to them, and at a huge disadvantage, to say the least...you taunted a bear, and you almost got bit, fortunate this time!


    Throwing something, or waving a firearm at a tailgater, or even someone who just tried to crash you...hahaha...good luck with that...let me know how that turns out...great advice right there!


    My opinion, you left a good amount of space between the car in front of you, and yourself, plenty of options for an easy out, sometimes all that you can do on a busy roadway, and a very effective method too! 

    The "road rage" could have been avoided here, from the clip that I watched anyway, it would seem some egos got in the way, or met at the wrong time, and the wrong place  ("my road, NO, my road")!


    I was not there, so I could be way off base here, but once again, I would be willing to wager, even with the video evidence, that two different stories would be told.



  5. Stretch and more stretching...I have it real bad, along with my tendons knotting up from my neck, restricting oxygen and blood flow, to my arms and hands...numbness and slight lose of feeling in my hands (I drop things often, and getting worse) is an every day event for me...I do not do my stretches daily as I should, I am overweight, I smoke, and I consume caffeine daily, none of this helps!


    Carpal Tunnel surgery is not, and never was, intended to be a permanent fix... if you do not do the proper stretches as instructed, it will eventually return.  My thought is, many people that has it return soon after surgery (1 year or 2) just assumed the surgery was all that they needed to do.


    I had a similar incident as you explained, carrying a large box filled with full oil containers, a sudden pop in both of my thumbs and wrists, then pain and numbness soon followed, eventually I had very limited feeling in my hands for nearly 2 years...I went through all the tests, and was diagnosed with the symptoms I mentioned above.  Surgery was suggested by the Doctors, daily stretching was suggested by the Physical Therapist...I opted not to have the surgery, some days are tough, while others are not so bad.  Arm and hand fatigue is my major issue, but again, I do myself no favors when it comes to helping my issues go away.


    Think hard when considering having the surgery, there may very well be other (better) options for you!

    I am not a Doctor, nor am I in any way a professional consultant for carpal tunnel, I have just lived with it for many years is all.


  6. Link.

    Hope to see you at the track.

    Feel free to seek me out when you are there.

    I have a black and silver CBR, yellow plate #4.

    Always like to make new friends to ride with. 

    We have some great roller coaster roads just south of Cincinnati too. :)

    I was just down there a few weeks back at the Thompson House.


    I like to ride the roads S/SE of Lexington, street, and some off road adventure touring ...Roads just South of Cincinnati are good too, and much closer.


    I hope I can get some track time soon.

    I am sure you have passed me several times...as a matter of fact, I believe you might have been the instructor giving a rider from the Cincinnati area (forgot his name, terrible at that) a tow on a 675R,  he was moving up from Novice to Intermediate last year?

    He was parked beside us, and we had several conversations throughout the day, a good guy, and a good rider.

  7. Brian,


    We have been around each other several times, I don't think that we have actually met though?


    I hope to get to Mid-Ohio soon, time, and finances, are somewhat of an issue for me right now...Family first!


    If Ryan shows up Sunday, I might "pit bitch" for him...I doubt that I ride.




    Please read again, I called no one a name, and generally I will not.. the "what a dick" comment was at myself, and again, I mentioned nothing of Novice and beginning Intermediate Riders attending, ever?


    I share the same thoughts that others have mentioned, while attending a track day, or a twilight event, at Mid-Ohio.  Everyone has always been very helpful, professional, and organized...nothing but a great time for me!


    On this Forum though, this is not the first time, that I have read anyway, this type of behavior displayed from people trying to push their own views/agenda for the twilight events at Mid-Ohio, outside of the rules ,and regulations, set forth, by the Staff and Management of Mid-Ohio.  This may not have been their intention, but the manner in which it was presented, seemed all too familiar...


    Trust me when I say this, I have promoted Mid-Ohio"s staff, workers, control riders, coaches, etc. etc., to as many people, and as often as I can...this is the reason why I get somewhat upset over discussions like this...


    This, in my opinion, does not help Mid-Ohio, nor does it help what many, including myself, feel is a declining sport...with that said, Mid-Ohio seems to still have good numbers, and I would like to see that continue.


    A final thought, I fully understand what a Twilight event at Mid-Ohio is, and I also understand what some choose to use it for...not my call, but I chose to give an opinion... explaining that to someone who does that often, seems very odd! :confused:

  9. For the record, I have attended...the first time was somewhat overwhelming, more so of not knowing what to expect, and the place was packed full of fast as hell riders, which I was aware of as soon as I arrived, from past experience with said riders.


    I am not fast at all, but I can run faster when I choose to...as mentioned by others, I am old, and I have no interest in going down, I also have no desire to become a "Racer"...


    I hold my line, and have no fear of an inside, or outside pass, anywhere, anytime... that is a part of being on a track in my opinion, and when I run less than full out (most of the time)...what is there to bitch about?


    When someone makes a near miss pass on me, "shit that was close", in my helmet, and sure, I might exaggerate that story with some friends after the fact, but if no paint was shared, WTF, who cares?!?!


    Oh well, carry on, if you don't get it, you never will...and yes aforrest4 "makes sense", I will humor you, sense you feel the need to be right, with no regard to others...I mentioned nothing of Novice, or inexperienced Intermediate riders attending... you quoted me, maybe you should have read it, rather than reading into it.


    Sarcasm warning: Thank you for the much needed advice...here I will say it for you, "what a dick"!

  10. Tonik, watch your one route(http://goo.gl/maps/XW75H)  The middle section of RT197 (N Fork Rd) is not paved for looks like around a mile or more.  If you zoom in and drop the google man just East of Dodd rd or at the intersection of N Fork and Ogle Meadows Rd you can see where the google car stopped when it turned to a dirt road and didn't map that section. 

    Longer than a mile, and very rough and sketchy, saves a bunch time versus going back around though... The good part (paved section), is getting pretty rough too, still a challenge, and fun though.


    Tpoppa, I will make a list of roads and send it.

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