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Everything posted by Jst2fst

  1. Yea, I doubt its over as well. This just get the moral up for the SEAL's, military personal that lost fellow members and the American people.
  2. Some good news the military took a group insurgents out. http://news.yahoo.com/military-killed-taliban-downed-us-helicopter-132740655.html
  3. No need to get a liter bike just get a newer 600. My has 100hp and that's plenty for me right now. Plent of getty up and go. If I'm correct mine weighs around 450 I think and feels light aluminum and alloy metals help the weight stay down. As far a gearing and speed mine does 70 in first almost redline ( don't recommend doing that often)
  4. Sounds like it, and he and he wants to go for a ride.
  5. Guy won fair and square. It's the dealerships fault they didn't list the auction the right way. Guy still paid close to the original price Ebay has rules and stipulations as a buyer and seller. The selle is calling foul because they made a goof as to what Ebay and the laws have to go will see what happens next.
  6. If you get a ride going for this I'd be in for sure
  7. Take him for a ride he'll never forget
  8. Finally I just beat the game
  9. Well the good thins is that your all right the bike can be fix/replaced you can't be.
  10. Wish I would of know someone was looking as well for a roommate.
  11. I can't seem to finish the game trying to do the JUST DO IT tasks have three of the five done just don't know how to do the bullseye or zombieball one
  12. I got 85% complete then quit. I'll try and finish up some time but addicting for sure.
  13. Just wasted 20 min playing
  14. Cause their idiots and as long as it not their ass on the line they could care less. Seems to look that way
  15. Sad to see this happen to any of our guys fighting. http://news.yahoo.com/copter-downing-afghanistan-kills-30-americans-192301718.html
  16. Cool look at the rainbow colored ants I see these being used by some trendy designers
  17. Jst2fst

    I'm pathetic

    Wow and I thought my night was boring...
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