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Everything posted by Habi

  1. Habi

    ride 8/26-27

    Weather looks way too good to pass up. Anyone in for some riding this weekend?
  2. so your saying you need it to be a group project then? Didn't realize it was so many files.
  3. email it and have someone else do it, then have them send it back.
  4. Have you tried copy/paste from different document? Just to see if its THAT document or Word.
  5. Try doing a little at a time instead of the whole thing at once. Sometimes the formating will be messed up in one spot.
  6. Not comparing. I couldn't even listen to link I posted Just made me think if it when bringing up jello.
  7. poor gixxer.com. I won't read past page 1 cause that has to be a joke. Nobody with a gixxer needs to pay that kind of money to make a gixxer run better. I just put natty ice in mine and it runs cool as could be!
  8. holy shit...... I had the green jello album back in the day before they turned to jelly. Didn't keep it though. That was one of my first metal albums. Makes me think of this....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqGXM23WUbs
  9. Habi

    Rider down

    Thats not gear. I hope he recovers well.
  10. Nice OSU parking pass on the front right fork I haven't seen it in the garage lately though? Its at least on the correct side so you shouldn't have any problems. Nice pics by the way!
  11. would you be up for something on Sunday? I saw you were tentative for the CSBA ride. Maybe I should start a Sunday coshocton thread so as not to thread jack.
  12. I was hoping to retry that coshocton ride that got rained out, but on Sunday.
  13. Habi

    Helmet Lock

    Don't most bikes have the lip under the passenger seat to lock the helmet to? I do this any where I go so I don't have to worry about it. If they want the helmet they either have to cut the strap or steal the bike?
  14. Habi

    New Toy

    Doesn't matter, you should still post pics of said shelby
  15. believe me....one day it just clicks. Don't push it and you enjoy your own ride
  16. Hope all goes well for you in the coming days. Enjoy the pain relief while you can!
  17. We got rained on a bit. Bikes got a bit dirty, but my girl likes it that way
  18. enjoy! Fantastic riding to be had down there!
  19. Awesome ride as always! Thanks again John!
  20. Habi

    555 Ride

    1st post in this thread, he said someone pulled out in front of him and just got the blackbird back. Maybe he was looking for more change along the road
  21. Habi

    555 Ride

    Just my opinion about you on O.R. is all. Make it to the CSBA ride. The last one was huge.
  22. Sounds fun! Pretty sure I can make it !
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