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Everything posted by Habi

  1. Pretty sweet. Never seen bikes do gymkhana course before. Here's how americans do gymkhana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6UA4_-ZcZs&feature=fvst
  2. Even the twist of the wrist 2 book is fabulous.
  3. very sweet vid. I hope to get a northern trip some year with my boys to see that.
  4. Looks like an all day event but when will most be showing up?
  5. Habi

    Do want!

    Gotta go with the 2jz in the s2000 if your gonna swap. Not that the LS1 isn't a nice motor but the 2jz is just sick.
  6. Finished putting her back together last night and a sweet day to take her for a spin.
  7. Good time to finish winter maintenance:D Hopefully plastics will be back on soon and ready for some spring riding. Ordered some new leather today just to make sure I don't freeze my ass off on the way to work in the chilly mornings to come.
  8. This was 99.99 last fall at sportbiketrackgear.com. They now have the 700 for that price.
  9. You guys need to drive faster so these people don't have a chance to pass you. Boost works best imo.
  10. Put on a new stator and r/r yesterday. The stator was toasted and did the rr to cover any issues. Anyway, got everything put back together and got her warmed up to temp and rev'd up to 4k to check voltage to ensure we were charging and when you slowly rev to 4k and hold it there it jumps to 5k. This had never occured before. Any ideas as to what would cause this? '01 gsxr 600. By the way thanks copper1k for all the help getting this done!
  11. It looked like he got back in the car to pop the hood and then went and tried to lift it like it was just going to open! WTF!
  12. Ahhhh... we can get loans from china for only 35% interest. It will be okay.
  13. Hell Im newly single after 5 years of marriage, keep myself highly intoxicated and every time I talk to her she reminds me why I am no longer with her! Its my two boys I don't get to see much that I cry about. It can always be worse my friend. Now Im just waiting until it warms up so I can use my spare time to go and get rid of the chicken strips that are waiting for me!
  14. Will do. Won't be next weekend. Actually I will be moving a bit closer to you next weekend! Hebron, linnville road area.
  15. Glad to have met everyone today. Great ride and can't wait to slow you guys down on some more Now just waiting for the game to come on. GO BUCKS!
  16. Habi

    SE Ohio this weekend

    my apologies to XFZ.
  17. Habi

    SE Ohio this weekend

    well its 9 and the baby sitter still hasn't showed. Fucking awesome!!
  18. There is a mile stone for yeah! I guess that answers a few questions and will make me look at the CBR's a little differently. Congats!
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