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Posts posted by undr_psi

  1. World of outlaws....I didn't know you were into Sprint car racing? Let me know if you would like to head over to Eldora speedway Kenny....I want to go at least one time this year...




    dan if you go im in..call me

    bump due to my thread jack

  2. everyone has their opinions about DSMs..youll have fun what ever you choose but just an fyi..i drive my talon everyday and have never had a problem with it..as stated just make sure you do it right and dont halfass anything or your only asking for trouble
  3. i had a run in friday night with a state trooper myself..the other car ran and i was the only one cought...i can only hope that thoes involved are as fortunete (sp) as i was and dont get the book thrown at them. like JP said..we all run the risk of getting burned..its just shitty that its people we know. Plus its nothing but more un-needed negitive attention for CR. With everything thats happend and been said..be safe..they're watching us now..

    PS...what does rambo hate?.....(answer will make sence..)

  4. damn... i need my car all pretty for sat. night....but if i see tv cameras im out...hummmis 17 reallly worth 20? ill try to stop by..for sake of a clean car only!! lol
  5. and the WASTED pic.... :D lol at tyler the night before a a big fight




    haha you know that kid..small world. its weird he fights now cuz i met him a few years ago..he was getting his ass kicked in front of my old apt by abunch of kids..had to leand a helping hand!!

  6. i need to get a couple shirts made..nothing super fancy i just keep running into the same issuse..huge setup fees and id have to order over 100 shirts..i only need like 10..anyone on here know of someone or somewhere that can do this?
  7. saw some amazing cars...tho i wish some our cars (CR ect.) would have made it further. good runs everyone..all in all..the combo of PINKS and ohio bike week made for a pretty badass weekend...from what i can remeber lol ill post pics from the weekend soon..got a shit ton
  8. seriously..you have 14 posts .. dont come haulin' ass out of the oven screaming repost..you should be busy swinging from v8beast's nuts :finger: :asshole:...fucking noobs god damn
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