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Posts posted by scottie.harris

  1. I firmly believe there is no reason to open carry, other than to gain attention or get a reaction.

    Did he do anything illegal, probably not. Stupid, yes. Further the anti-gun agenda, yes. Make us look bad in the news, yes. No reason for it.

    So then are you promoting people who are in the proccess of getting their ccw to illegally conceal? I open carried until i had my ccw permit and still do on occasion. I see plenty of ccw people flash their gun to friends for "attention whore" purposes.

    This guy did nothing wrong, open carry is legal regardless if you like it or not. He broke no laws, and open carry does not mean your looking "to initiate interactions by law enforcement", its his way of carry/defense and its his choice not yours.

    POLICE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT SO ASK FOR ID OR SEIZE PERSONAL PROPERTY IF NO LAWS WERE BROKEN ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION. In this case they did not even have probable cause. If you disagree with that because he had a gun, then they should assume everyone who has alcohol is going to drink and drive right? seize that shit and detain them.

    Everyone who has pain killers is a drug dealer right? seize that shit and detain them.

    Everyone who has pressure cookers is a terrorist right? seize that shit and detain them.

    Should I continue?

    • Upvote 4
  2. i understand people like to make things easy, but legally the cop has no right to ask for ID if he has done nothing wrong. being a dick or not its still his right to legally refuse to identify himself. if the police violate the constitutional right then they deserved to be sued, then maybe they will understand that its not ok to violate peoples rights.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Ok so i decided to build my 700 as a long range rifle, but was wondering if a simple stock swap could add a magazine feed system? I currently have the ADL(which doesnt have a hinged floor plate) and if i buy one that is a hinged floor plate will it work?

    I really like the B&C Medalist Tactical but "Fits heavy barrel models with hinged floorplate" as their site says.


    So in short, can i swap a non drop plate model for a drop model stock and if i can would a magazine system work on it?

  4. I did my seals with a tool that i made, worked fine. For a seal driver just take a PVC pipe and cut a 2-inch section in half and clamp them together on the fork(my were tight enough that i didnt need to clamp it though). I didnt need anything else special that i remember.

  5. Actually took the hit pretty well. I recently saw what looked to be a bullet inbedded in an iPhone screen and thought there was no way a phone would stop a bullet even a slow small caliber. Upon further examination it actually looked like a pellet. Which I could see where they would stop. Now I don't know what to think.

    I know, I was expecting it to shatter into pieces or at least have a bigger hole. The front of the hole wasnt even big enough to allow me to push the bullet thru but the exit hole was fairly large compared to the bullet.

  6. well at least I can count to 4... :nono: and there are several other ways of killing a deer (as if this were some sort of challenge) without using a bullet.

    you could use a hammer, a chainsaw, a spear, a knife, a sword, an axe, a pool... they aren't vicious creatures...

    First those are all illegal methods of hunting a dear, second i wanna see you catch a buck(if it doesnt kill you first) to kill it with one of your methods.

  7. I believe the point is guns don't just magically go off and kill people. why is everyone so careful with them if they're so "safe"? because they're not and you guys live in a state of denial. like the guy's who think a 3 way with 2 dudes doesn't make them bi-sexual.
    Fires dangerous but we still have it; same thing applys to cars, alcohol, MOTORCYCLES, steak knives, pressure cookers, gasoline, ect. Gasoline is a big one, have you seen some of the idiots that pump gas???

    I believe the point is that we dont pretend that they are safe, we just teach safe ways of operating them like dont point the gun at others(unless its defense(limitations)), keep the muzzle in a safe direction, assume every gun is loaded, keep the finger off the trigger unless shooting, ect. Almost every gun owner is taught these values regardless if its from a relative, a friend, gun classes, military, ect.

    Most of the people that arnt taught the values are often people who dont get guns. The people who dont get taught values and still are negligent to buy a gun without any experience are often the people who end up in a news story like this one.

  8. That i decided that after a month of a POS phoner(straightalk) that couldnt get service anywhere, i decided to switch back to my extremely cheap flip phone that was built indestructible like a gameboy and got service nuclear bunkers(sarcasm).

    So what to do with the Galaxy that was a month old and i paid $30 for? All i have to say is 30-06...



  9. In all honesty, go sit on a few bikes and get a feel for what suits you. We can argue all day about what the best bike is, but it all comes down to you, your opinion, and your purpose.

  10. I thouht about the 14 but the ball and chain won't let me get one cause of the ability to do 200 on it plus I like curves idk how well the 14 handles curves

    A ZX10R is capable of VERY similar speeds

  11. "My size is a big part on the liter bike. I am a bigger short guy with a belly" Busa, seems to be a trend for them.

    "I don't want to be lumped into the Douchy duc rider category." Meet a few, actually fairly decent about their ego when next to Harley riders.

    "I drag race in my spare time" Please dont buy an aprilia then. The ZX10R seems like the contender for you.

  12. Why you set on a liter bike, and how new are you talking? 636 up to an 848 sounds about perfect to me.:cool:

    This ^^^

    Any newer 600 will be significantly faster than your current ninja. I always thought i needed a 1000cc coming off a katana 600 due to not having the power for a passenger. Then I got a ninja 750 and thought it was perfect in power.

    Point is, most people just get a liter bike for the cock factor.(not everyone though)

  13. Bump, if I had some spare cash I'd throw my hat in the ring. Those things are cool. I am curious. what kind of money do you have in mind? What kind of money do these bring complete?

    One in very clean/good condition like this one would be about 4-5k finished. You can find beat up TLR's for about 2-3k usually.

  14. 30/06 is double the price of .308 I just found some for $7.99 per 20rnds. Where can you find 30/06 less then $1+ a round?

    Where the heck are you shopping? I can go to walmart and find 30-06 often, but almost never seen .308. Even at gun shops i have never paid $1 per round, .308 on the other hand paid paid $23 for 20 rounds at vances for a friend.

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