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Posts posted by scottie.harris

  1. Tiffany: Yes I had a very sore ass but that wasn't the worse of it, I have knee problems not exactly sure what it is but I know I have water build up in them and they were hurting so bad and I had a horrible headache to top it off, as well as the fact that I pulled my back out about two weeks ago and it still is bothering me. So being on the bike that long and the vibration hurt really bad, When we got on 270 is when it got the worse tho, I hate to admit this but I was bawling my eyes out cuz it hurt so bad. Finally I tapped scott and told him to pull off somewhere. He got bens attention and we stopped on sawmill at mcdonalds. I thought I could just stand for a few and then head out. But it hurt to stand so I laid on the grass and that was the only way the pain ceased a lil bit. So I finally agreed to have ben get his truck and take me home. That way but I feel awful guilty and like a wimp because of it. There were those guys hurt way worse than me and they took it like a champ. I thought I'd be ok since I've rode to columbus and back on the bike ha ha ha boy was I wrong.

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