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Posts posted by scottie.harris

  1. I thought exactly.the way you did when i went into college, after four years of mechanical engineering to get into cars or bikes my decision change with the influence of a job offer as a cnc programmer. I got what was offered and have no regrets changing courses.

  2. Lol one minute your giving up on it and selling; 50 minutes later your gonna try a tune up.

    Imo i would keep it bc it sounds like your hesitant. However i will say to anyone, there isnt really more smoothness or throttle response in a fi vs carb bike. Call me a liar but ive rode both and felt no difference. If everything is in sync a carb bike will run just as smooth.

    Where fi has the upper hand is maintence, easy starts, consistent fuel delivery(even during wheelies), and a few other things im forgetting.

    Good luck which ever path you take, a 06 gsxr will be an excellent bike btw... Jus saying

  3. When they are newborns they are cannibles, but when they get a little older thats when it becomes territory. I cant really say its a cannible act, but they simply eat everything around them.

    Also you seem to understand their terrain and setup pretty well so im assuming that its correct. Only thing i can think of is an infection. How did you get it setup for only $20-$30 a year in food??? I bought in bulk and still paid $20 from a breeder but the crickets wouldnt last a year because they got to big to the point where they can bite them or died.

    I had a scorpion and i wouldnt even feed it the ones that could bite it, but the scorpion would eat about once a week as opposed to 10-15 crickets a day per dragon.

  4. Cool lookin lizard man. I'm a bit afraid to pick them up, don't want spiked.

    They arnt hard enough to harm you unless they feel uncomforable. even then you can still avoid the spikes by picking them up under their belly. Theyre awesome pets ill give them that, but crickets are getting so expensive at 10c-15c a cricket. I ended up buying crickets from a breeder getting like a 1000 crickets for about $20, messy getting the crickets into a new cage though.

  5. Is he missing his foot? i had one that was missing a foot due to caniblism when theyre young, pet store(never buy from one again) didnt separate them at birth.

    I use to breed bearded dragons, unfortunanlty it's hard to pin point whats exactly wrong. This could be cause by lighting, stress, to much or to little calcium, bruising, breeding, ect. If it doesnt involve normal habits like those its probably an infection. I hope you figure out whats wrong without a big bill. Good luck.

  6. Speed bleeders wouldnt have done shit, finally figured it out. I had to remove the banjo bolt from the master cylinder add some oil in it and then squeeze the lever til the oil was just at the edge tuen put the bolt on. After the bolt was on somewhat i lightly sqeezed the excess air out of it and torqued i the bolt down. After i did this i had pressure again and a crap ton of air came out when i bled the clutch line. Thanks for the help guys

  7. Ok so apparently theres two banjo bolts(im a noob). I loosened the one on the master cylinder that lost all pressure. Ive tried pumping for sevetal minutes with no change in pressure. I dont even have enough pressure to bleed the clutch line, even if i pump the clutch several times before opening the bleeder again.

  8. I was bleeding the clutch and emptied the reservoir to clean the dirt out of it. Well i went to get the air out and nothing came out but clean fluid i just put in. did that for about 10 minutes and nothing. There was another nipple next to the clutch line bleed so i tried that and it has no effect on the clutch levers pressure so i got a wee little bit of air out of it and some fluid drained as well. No effect.

    (heres a big mistake) i listened to a honda 1000rr forum thread..(i know right) and loosened the (i believe) banjo bolt and attemped a bleed but lost all pressure. I now have no pressure and still got air stuck in the clutch somewhere.

    I am getting highly eritated with this after it leaving me stranded about 10 miles from home, some bloody knuckles, and a headache. Please any help is appreciated.

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