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Posts posted by scottie.harris

  1. buying used is a good way for some books like ones you may need as reference later in life, like my engineering books. i didnt even know you could rent them, but theres a place online thats a branch of ebay thats super cheap. i got my book that costs 200 for about 30 shipped.

    as far as cscc you need t be there at 7:30 for parking, thats how i beat the rush.

  2. meh temporary problem, still 60 vs free. the new xboxs are much better than older ones, so now i think its good competition for the ps3. they both have pros and cons.

    the main differnce i notice is the type of gamers, ps3 people are more serious about gaming, when xbox players are more about fun.

  3. ok yea that works, anyway i have both psn and xbox live, nothing really different. sure you can talk to anyone anytime but thats it. i only bought the 360 for left4dead2. the only reason i prefer ps3 is because i only have three friends on it that never play.

  4. Ok the playstation network has been dow for 3 days now(that i know of) people online are saying 4. From what i read its because a hacker got into the system. If thats the case i can understand shutting it down for a day or two like they said, because the hacker could get credit card info, ect.. but its been twice as long as they said it would take and im getting frustrated. You cant even watch netflix without signing in.

  5. i bought a brand new dirtbike from honda marysville and had to wait til the next morning to ride(that was forever). i understood the "concept" of how it worked but the clutch slipped out from my hand and ended up doing a 12oclock wheelie with me running behind it holding onto the handlebars. then i just rode up and down the hill for a few hours and thru the trails. couldnt stop riding since.

  6. i cant wait to see this thing finished, im picking up a cb500 and want to do some changes like this(nowhere near this custom). im gonna have to hit you up on how to do somethings.. im impressed and motivated by what i see.

  7. Don't hold your breath. Yes, you're right, there have been some major advances in 2 stroke technology, but the industry at large has moved on. After this season, there won't be any more ring dingers in any major racing series.

    +1 ive rode both and its sad to see that 2 strokes are a thing of the past. i personally prefer a 4stroke, but 2 strokes are still a blast. I go to haspen acres often and its a very diverse terrain so the smoothness and torque of a 4stroke is nice imo. Maintence wise a 2stroke you have to do a little work all the time, a 4stroke your doing all your work at once every great while. Theres really no "better" bike just prefernce.

    i love the sound of a 4stroke :D

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