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Posts posted by scottie.harris

  1. lol yea you know im not afraid of "the devils playground" for katanas. but i cant make it cus my apartment complex said they wont cash the rent check until the 5th, so i waited close to that time to switch the money to that account and they tryed cashing it the 3rd so it bounced. Now i got over $120 in fees and crap and they didnt tell me anything about it bouncing until like the 12th and told me they never said anything about when they would cash it. Thats just the short story and i was stupid for waiting to transfer the money and trusting them. so moneys tight right now my fault i know.

  2. I ride everyday, havent even started the car in about 2-3 weeks. Cold doesnt bother me at all, i wear tall socks with boots, long johns and pants(with holes), hoody, jacket and liner, leather gloves covered by large 60g insulated gloves, face mask, and a lid. i dont ever get the slightest bit cold.

    ReconRat i kick it sideways any time of year ask any :)

  3. yea i know the feeling about getting better, i just ride to have fun. Im not trying to compete with you so sorry if thats how it comes out. Your still a fast rider, and better rider than i because you can ride the CSBA roads in the corners faster than i can. I just dont feel confident enought to speed through turns i dont know like you can.

  4. Now im not saying by no means that im "amazing", hell that guy that was on the same CSBA ride as you who rode that older blue katana 600 with his son on the back was one heck of a rider. i couldnt out ride him on those roads even if i tried my hardest.

  5. jporter honestly i think im just as fast as you in the turns if not faster, when i was behind you i was right on you and could have passed several times. the main reason im slower in front of you is becuase i dont know any of the roads we've been on. you get me on State route 245 and im much faster, i just dont like to fly when i dont know whats in front of me.

    TaRR i would like to go but 1. i work 2. my moms having my birthday dinner.

  6. honestly yea i prefer a drag strip, but the hills are still fun to, ive been a gsxr fan from the get go. reason being that i shouldnt ride is because everyone(including those who rode csba with me) says i cant ride worth a shit and am luckey i havent crashed and died yet. so maybe its a hint. 2/3 csba rides i had a passanger, and not once would i push to where i wasnt comfortable, with a passanger i ride towards the back.

  7. Seriously? ive already said im no pro but not a newbie and that im looking at gsxr600's-750's not 1000's. Ive said more than enough to make my point clear, but please continue brian and entertain me.

    TaRR ill take you up on that offer to coshocton.

  8. no im not saying that people who ride it their whole life are pussies, im actually looking at 750s as the fastest im really looking for. as far as me "kicking it sideways" thats the katanas attempt at wheelie, front end doesnt move and its slow. now if i did that on a 1000 or 750 im on my ass i know. im not an expert and never said i was, but im not new to 2 wheels either.

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